Friday, 2 September 2022

Ch 9- Values Associatd With Selection Of Life Skills And Its Significant Use


 Ch 9- Values Associatd With Selection Of Life Skills And Its Significant Use



1. To understand the art of meaningful use of media in this era of knowledge explosion.


2. To take care of meaningful use of time while using social media.


3. Meaningful use of the internet while using mobile and computer.


If we look closely at the development of human civilization in the the historical context,we will find that in the first two decades of 21st century, it has  proportionately changed a lot. In the era of technological development, the internet has had the gteatest impact on our lives. The scope of impact of internet is wide and multi- dimensional. With the appearance of the mobile and the Intemet, our entire lifestyle has changed.

 Information of the whole world is in our hands, Social media, mobile and internet

and all the means of communication are interconnected. Therefore,itis necessary that we should use and choose them so intelligently that it can make our life easier.


Social media, mobile or intemet are important means of knowledge and entertainment. They also play a special role in every field, such as academic, administrative, commerce, arts and literature.Now the problem of man is not accessing knowledge, information or entertainment but its proper use and choice. In the future, we will have to decide through self-reflection what we can achieve and how? This is a very sensitive subject to which all the students will also have to be sensitized and it needs to be taught with sensitivity. Some practical activities are needed to develop such a trend within the students, so that they are able to understand in depth how important the use and choice of these tools is for them.


Activity-1: The Computer Lab of School

Students will be made to sit at different computers and search for the contents related to a lesson of any subject (according to their choice). Google and

Youtube are major sources for every kind of videos or written materials. The teacher

will help the students to search for such materials as per their requirement. Before

searching for this material, the student should keep in mind that they will have to

give their views or answer some questions

 related to the materials they require.It is not necessary that the students search for the topics only included in their syllabus, but the subject should be such that it is related to the student's life, exams

or moral values, The teacher will instruct the students to choose a topic of their choice after dividing the class into groups and then form pairs.Each pair should have a student from both the groups but

both the students will search for the materials related to their topic by sitting at separate computers,Each student will have to fill the following worksheet. These worksheets will be evaluated in the

presence of the students,



Q.1 Write a summary in about fifty words about the topic you were searching?


Q.2. Did you like this information?


Q.3. Will you use intemet and mobile in future to get such knowledge?


Q.4 For which purpose will you use intemet and mobile?


Q.5. Which are the channels on the television that provide you knowledge and teach you good habits?



The teacher will evaluate the above-mentioned worksheets of the students and may ask questions verbally as needed.The questions will be such that the students use sccial media,mobile and internet for maximum creative work. The teacher after dividing the class into groups of five each will provide them a chance to discuss with one other what they usually The students will be given ten minutes for discussion. Each

group will then be given the following worksheet.



The teacher will judge/assess the students’ understanding regarding these worksheets by evaluating them. Then the students will be given the following task-


1) To watch/see a programme continuously on the television for a week. The programme

should be such that the students gain knowledge and get information about moral

education, life values, history or culture.


2) If students use mobile at home, they will note continuously for a week in their notebook how often and for what purpose they used the mobile.


3) Toread, write and watch two patriotic songs, two educational movies (short or featured movies) and the life story of a great man.


The students will work on the above mentioned three points for a week and note down the points in their notebooks as and when required. The teacher will guide the students.

 Then the above mentioned tasks of the students will be evaluated by the teacher, The tendency of the evaluation will be such that the fact that whether or not the students have understood the proper usage of social media, mobile and internet can be judged. Have the students learnt what theyshould watch, listen and read from these sources? During the process of evaluation, the students will be asked to express their views on the above tasks openly. In the following performa, the teacher will award marks to the students based on the correct choice :


The criteria for awarding marks duting the assessment will be decided by the teacher using his intelligence and understanding. Based on the students' performance in the assessment sheet, the teacher will encourage

the students and motivate them to use these sources according to their requirement and understanding in future.


After participating in these activities, the students will understand that the world of social media, internet and mobile is very large. They will realize that they will use these sources for self development and to make their life happy. Certainly,the attitude and approach of the students will become positive towards these tools.