Thursday, 24 December 2020







Q.I. Why does one feel reluctant to receive an advice?

 Ans. He thinks that the person advising him is insulting his wisdom. One feels that the man who gives advice is insulting understanding and treating as like children or idiots.


Q.2. Why are the people so eager to advise others?

Ans. They try to prove themselves more intelligent. The people who are eager to advise others seem to exercise a superiority over them.


Q.3. How do the writers distinguish themselves from one another in the matter of advising or instructing a others?

Ans. Some writers use best chosen words, sweet poetic words, short proverbs etc. Some convey their instructions in the best chosen words, others in the most harmonious numbers, some in the points of wit, and others in short proverbs.


Q.4. According to the narrator which method is the most appropriate to give a counsel?

Ans. Fable is the best method to give an advice. According to the narrator, the most appropriate method to give a counsel is fable.


Q.5. How is the 'fable' best suited among the various said ways of instruction?

Ans. In a fable, we advise ourselves by moral lessons. The 'fable' is best suited because on reading it, we are made to believe that we advise.


Q.6. How does the 'reading of a fable' gratify the soul?

Ans. We are made to think that we advising ourselves. The 'reading of a fable' gratifies the natural pride ' and ambition of the soul.


Q.7. Now can an advice be inoffensive?

Ans. The indirect method of advice is inoffensive. We are made to think that we advising ourselves.


Q. 8. Why did Mahmoud want to know about the conversation of the owls?

Ans. The vizier told him that he understood the owl’s talk. This made king eager to know and he also wanted to test the knowledge of vizier. Therefore Mahmoud wanted to know about the conversation of the owls.


Q.9. What made Mahmoud change his old tyrannical ways?

Ans. The words of girl’s father changed his old tyrannical ways. The conversation of the owls as intrepted by the Vizier made Mahmoud change his tyrannical ways.



Long Question Answers


Ans1 In this interesting chapter ‘On Giving Advice’ writer Joseph Addison says that people receive advice unwillingly. Adviser considers himself superior. Advice to others must be made pleasant. And Addison feels that a fable is the best method of advising others.

Ans2 In this interesting chapter ‘On Giving Advice’ is written by writer Joseph Addison. It gives us information about giving advice. It means to educate a person. The theme of the chapter is that people receive advice unwillingly. Adviser considers himself superior. Advice to others must be made pleasant. Addison feels that a fable is the best method of advising others. It gives a moral lesson. While reading a fable the readers think that they are advising themselves. So they don’t mind.

Ans3 One day vizier was returning from hunting with the Sultan. On the way he heard two owls talking. The vizier pretended to know the language of birds. There were two owls on the tree. The Sultan asked him what the owls talked. The vizier said that one owl had a son and the other had a daughter. They wanted to get them married. The father of the son wanted fly ruined villages as a dowry. But the father of the daughter offered him five hundred ruined villages. He said that while the Sultan reigned, there will never be a shortage of ruined villages. This touched the Sultan and changed his mindset. He started working for the welfare of his people.





The chapter 'On Giving Advice' tells us that people do not like being advised by others. The person who advises thinks that he is more intelligent than the person receiving the advice. Addison feels that fable is the best method of advising others, as it is an indirect method of advising. Sultan Mahmoud was a cruel ruler. He had killed many people in war. He had filled his kingdom with destruction. His vizier gave him advice with the help of fable method. The Sultan was touched by the fable. He started working for the welfare of his people. People reading fables think that they are advising themselves.


Q1. Why does one feel reluctant to receive advice?

Ans. One does not like to receive advice because one feels that the other person treats you as a child or an idiot.


Q2. How the fable is best suited amongst various ways of instruction?

Ans. A fable is a story with a moral. Moral of the story makes us think about our actions. So here no direct advice is there that could make us feel insulted. We have to understand the moral ourselves.


Q 3. Why did Mahmoud want to know about the conversation of the owls?

Ans. He wanted to check whether the vizier really knew the language of the birds.


Q4. What made Mahmoud change his old tyrannical ways?

Ans. The vizier told Mahmoud about the two owls’ conversation. It made him understand that he has destructed his kingdom. So he changed his old tyrannical ways.


Theme-On Giving Advice

The writer believes that nobody likes taking advice. We feel insult in taking advice. We think the other person believes us idiot or less intelligent. So the author says that advice must be given in a pleasant way. It should not hurt anybody’s self- esteem.


He tells about many ways that are used to give advice. But fable is the best way to advise someone. Fable is a story with a moral. It makes advice polite and acceptable. We learn from the moral of the story ourselves. So it does not hurt ego. Using a fable, the vizier in the story advises the king without hurting his self-esteem. The king changes his ways and start working for welfare of his kingdom. That is why the author supports fable as the best way to advice.


 Points to remember


1)      The author of the lesson is Joseph Addison.

2)      People do not like receiving advice.

3)      They think that they are being treated like children or idiots.

4)      Different writers’ methods of giving advice are with best chosen words, poetry, wit, short proverbs and fables.

5)      According to the writer, fable is the best method of advising.

6)      The message of the fable is moral.

7)      Sultan Mahmoud was a Persian emperor.

8)      One day he and his vizier were passing through a jungle.

9)      Two owls were sitting on a tree.

10)    Vizier pretended that he knew the language of birds.

11)    He said that the owls were fixing marriage of their children.

12)    The father of the son owl demanded fifty ruined villages in dowry.

13)    The father of daughter owl offered five hundred villages in dowry.

14)    At the end, Sultan rebuilt the villages and towns which he had destroyed.