All organisms including plants depend on some sort
of surrounding medium known as Environment. It is derived from the word
“Environia” which means fo surround.
Environment is the sum total of all the physical and
biotic conditions which
influence the responses of organism.
is a specific place or locality occupied by an organism, population or
It is animals place in environment and its functional role in
studies the interaction among organisms and between the organism
and its abiotic environment.
is the arrangement of smaller components into larger ones and so on ina
hierarchy in which components of each level coordinate with one another.Ecology
is concerned with 4 levels of biological organisation:
1. Organisms
2. Population
3. Community
4. Biomes
It is the smallest level of Ecological hierarchy. Organisms show
interdependence with biotic and abiotic factors of the environment.
It is the group of organism that lives together and interacts with each other
within an environment. e.g. Pond, Forest, Lake.
is large Biosystem characterized by major vegetation and wildlife. It is
wide integrated natural units of living organisms.
It also possesses the stages in
the development of the community.
There are five major types of biomes:
1. Aquatic
eg. Coral reefs, Estuaries, lakes etc.
2. Grassland
eg. Eurasian steppes, North American prairies etc.
3. Forest
eg. Tiaga, Boreal forests etc.
4. Desert
eg. Sahara desert, Thar desert efc.
5. Tundra
eg. Alpine tundra, Arctic tundra etc.
1. Biological Organisation starts with:
a) Atomic level
b) Submicroscopic level
c) Cellular level
d) Organismic level
2. Large Biosystem characterized by
wildlife and vegetation is:
a) Community
b) Population
c) Biome
d) Species
3. Functional role of species with reference
to place of occurrence is called:
a) Habitat
b) Biome
c) Niche
d) Environment
4. Smallest level of Ecological Hierarchy
a) Population
b) Biome
c) Community
d) Organism
5. The interaction and interdependence of
different populations in a biotic community is called:
a) Biome
b) Biocoenosis
c) Biota
d) Biosphere
1. The Natural home of an organism is ----------—.
2. Group of individuals in a geographical area is
called ----—-----—-.
3. Arrangement of smaller components to a larger one
is called----—--—-.
1. Sum of abiotic and biotic components of a
geographical area is called biotic
2. Animals place in environment and functional role
in an area is called Habitat.
1. Habitat
2. Population
3. Organisation
1. False (Environment)
2. False (Ecological niche)
Q.1 Define Population and Community.
Q.2 Name the physical components of a habitat.
Q.1 Explain the various levels of Biological
Each of the major terrestrial ecosystems or
distinctive terrestrial areas with their
group of climax plants and associated animals constitutes biomes.A TE is the largest terrestrial community. Rainfall, temperature range, nature of
soil, barriers, latitude and altitude determine
the nature and extent of biomes.
Biomes can be classified into two types, namely TERRESTRIAL and AQUATIC BIOMES.
Terrestrial biomes include grasslands, deserts, and
tropical forests. Freshwater
biomes include polar freshwaters, large lakes,
tropical and sub-tropical coastal
rivers, temperate coastal rivers and much more.
Marine biomes include continental
shelves, tropical coral, and kelp forests.
Biomes are often classified into following categories:
These tropical rain forests occur in Central
America, around Amazon basin in
South America, in Africa and in South-East Asia
including India. In India tropical
rain forests occur in Western Ghats, Assam and
Andamans.Ps The tropical rain forest, a biome occurs in regions of high
temperature (average 25°C) and high rainfall (200-450cm per year). This biome
is characterized by multistoried vegetation (upto five distinct
layers or storeys of vegetation). Further maximum biodiversity
on land is shown
by this biome and itis estimated that one half to
two-thirds of all species of
terrestrial plants and insects live in tropical
a: Life is abundant in this biome. It has different
varieties and number of
plants and animals.
Lianas (vascular plants rooted
in soil and they only get support of trees for climbing to top) and epiphytes
(air plants) are common in this biome due to
excess of moisture. The trees of this biome possess
buttressed trunks and phenomenon of cauliflory (presence of flowers and fruits
on main trunk and main branches) is common in this biome.
Each storey has different fauna. Giant trees of the
tropical forest support a rich and diverse community of animals on their
branches. (Upper storeys have birds, insects, bats, monkeys, lemurs, tree
frogs, lizards and anteaters. Ground fauna includes many snakes, some lizards,
deer, forest goat,
antelope, tapir, elephant, leopard, jaguar, etc.
Like tropical forests, savannahs are found near the equator but in areas having
less annual rainfall (90-150 cm/year). Some areas
near the equator experience
prolonged dry seasons. Savanna occurs in North
Australia, India, Central and
Southem Africa including east- central S. Africa
a. The heat, periodic dryness and poor soils
cannot support a forest but have led to evolution of
tropical open grasslands
with scattered shrubs and trees.
a. Savannah is named after dominant tree like
Acacia, Phoenix,Eucalyptus. Availability of soil moisture determines
composition and
productivity. Root system of grasses is present in
upper 30cm of soil while
woody species penetrate to deeper horizons.
The vegetation of this biome support large grazing
herbivores like buffalo, zebra, etc., which are food for carnivores like lions,
tigers, etc. The savannah also supports a large number of plant eating
invertebrates like mites,grasshoppers, ants, beetles and termites. The termites
are one of the most
important soil organisms in savannahs.
Indian tropical grasslands are not true savannahs but
these are the result of
destruction and modification of tropical deciduous
forests by cutting, grazing
and fire.
It occupies about 1/5 of land. These are the biomes
that have 25 cm (10 inches)
or less of precipitation annually .Most of these lie
around tropic of Capricorn and
tropic of Cancer between 15°-35° latitude in both
hemispheres. Sahara of North
Africa, Thar of West Asia and Gobi of Asia are most
important deserts. Deserts
can be cold (Tibet, Gobi) and hot (Thar and Sahara). Deserts show poor biodiversity and their productivity is minimum.
a Annual
plants are abundant in deserts and tide over unfavorable dry season in the form
of seeds. Succulent plants are characteristics of deserts.Trees and shrubs
present in deserts have deep roots. Desert plants show
phenomenon of Allelopathy, i.e., they secret some
chemical substances which inhibit the growth of plants growing in their near
vicinity.)f | Desert animals have also fascinating adaptations that enable them
adjust with limited water supply.
grasslands experience a greater amount of rainfall than deserts but a lesser
amount than savannahs.Temperate grasslands have different names in different
parts of the world, e.g.,Prairies of North America, Steppes of Russia, Veldts
of South Africa, Pampas of South America, Pusztas of Hungary and Tussocks of
New Zealand.Physical Characteristics: They occur at higher latitudes than
savannahs but like
savannahs are characterized by perennial grasses and
herbs of grazing mammals. There is hot summer, cold winter, seasonal 25-75cm
grasses are dominant with non graminaceous herbs
mostly leguminous (maintain nitrogen fertility of soil), scattered bushes and
occasional trees.
Consists of Deer, Elk, Bison, Wolf, Prairie Dog,
Bear, Bighom Sheep,Rabbit, Mice, Budges, Coyote, and Burrowing Owl.
It is found in both the northern hemisphere (Canada,
eastern U.S.A. , north
central Europe, eastern Asia) and southern
hemisphere ( New Zealand, eastern
Australia).Temperate deciduous forests occur in
areas having warm summers, cold winters
and moderate amount of precipitation (75-150cm
annually). The trees of this
forest loose their leaves during autumn and remain
dormant throughout winter
(term ‘deciduous’ derived from Latin word meaning
‘to fall’).
temperate forest biome, there is an upper canopy of
dominant trees like beech, oak, birch, maple, etc. followed by lower tree
canopy and then a layer of shrubs beneath.
BE Animal life in this biome is abundant on the
ground as well as on the trees. Animals include frogs, salamander, turtles,
snakes, lizards, rabbits, hares,squirrels, opossums, foxes, raccoons, deer,
bear,owls, sparrows and several song birds. In winter some animals undergo
hibernation or migrate to warmer places.
The taiga or northern coniferous forests or boreal
forests consist of evergreen,
cone bearing trees like spruce, hemlock and fir and
extend across vast areas of
Eurasia, and North America.The taiga is characterized
by long, cold winters with little precipitation. The harsh climate limits
productivity of the taiga community. The cold temperatures,very wet soil during
the growing season and acids produced by fallen conifers needles and Sphagnum
inhibit full decay of organic matter, due to which thick layers of semi decayed
organic material called peat is formed, which acts as
energy source. Life is fairly rich in this biome.
a: Dominant vegetation consists of evergreen
conifers which are able to tolerate wide fluctuations of temperate, light and
soil. They are Pine, fir,Hemlock, Spruce, Juniper, Yew, Larch, deodar. The
ground flora consists
herbs, ferns, mosses and lichens. Vines and wild
flowers are common.
Animal community of the biome is represented by
mouse, wolves,otters, beavers, elks, deer, raven, rabbit hare squirrels, pumas,
lynx, grouse and many species of insects, etc.
The Biome occurs in Mediterranean area, Pacific
coast of North America,Chile, South Africa and South Australia.It is a broad
leaved ever green shrub forest of hard and thick leaved small trees and shrubs
which usually contain resin but are resistant to fire. It receives humid air
from nearby oceans which also keeps the temperature moderate.The rainfall is
during winter only.
GE = Both plants and animals are adopted to frequent
and long periods of drought. The common plants of Chaparral are
Arctostaphylos,Sage, Oak and Eucalyptus. Animals include Rabbits, Rats,
deer, snakes, lizards, birds, tiger etc.
It lies north of timber line or 60° N Latitude below
the polar ice. Tundra occupies
some 8 million km 2 area of land mass extending
North America, Europe and Asia.
It occurs only in the Artic region therefore called
as Artic tundra. It's absent in
southem hemisphere.
The area receives very little precipitation around
25 cm per year in the form of snow. The climate is therefore extremely cold.
Strong winds and snow storms are frequent. Summer is for short duration of
45-75 days.
The highest summer tempura is 10°C. It is unable to
melt snow except for the
upper 10-20 cm. The remaining part of the soil is in
permanently frozen condition
Life: Both vegetation and animal life exist in this biome, though very scarce.
BE Vegetation is thin plants are shallow rooted.
Mosses and Lichens show best development in the area. The other plants growing
are grasses, sedges,heaths, a few shrubs, draft willows and draft birches. The
plants posses xerophytic character.
WE Arthropods appear in summer. Common animals of
tundra are warm-blooded and have protective covering like feathers and hairy
skins. Main birds of tundra are snow owl and snow grouse. Important mammals of
the areas are polar bear, arctic hare, arctic fox, musk ox, caribou, reindeer,
arctic wolf and weasels.
Indian forest are classified into three major types based on
temperature - tropical, temperate and alpine.
Marine Biome:Marine biomes incorporate the seas of
the world, the biggest oceanic biomes,described by saltwater. Furthermore, seas
have different layers identified with
daylight’s entrance.
Wet land Biome:Wetlands are shallow waterways, for
example, lowlands, bogs, swamps, and mudflats. Also, they give the environment
to numerous plants and creatures.
The water stream is enduring in freshwater wetlands.
Example; The Bolsa Chica Ecological Reserve in Orange County, California.
Coral Reef Biome:Coral reefs exist in shallow pieces
of some tropical seas. Made of calcified stays from coral creatures, these
reefs develop after some time and give living space to numerous submerged
species. For example, the Great Barrier Reef of Australia is an enormous case
of a coral reef biome.
1. Which out of the following are the major
biomes in India?
(i) Desert,
(ii) grassland,
(iii) tropical rain forest,
(iv) temperate forest,
(v) coniferous forest,
(vi) deciduous forest,
(vii) sea coast,
(viii) tundra
a. (ii), (iv), (vi), (vii)
b. (i), (ii), (v), (viii)
c. (i), (iii), (vi), (vii)
d. (ii), (iii), (vi), (viii)
2. Important key elements that bring about
variations in the habitat are ?
a. Temperature, water, light and soil
b. Salinity, pollutants and water
c. Modern developmental parameters in the region.
d. Scientific progress and technological
3. Which of the following ability is
present in the desert animals?
a. Ability to concentrate urine
b. Ability to remain inside the shelter and escape
need of water
c. Ability to derive water from all the fruits.
d. Ability to absorb water from the air.
4. Which land biome is extremely cold and
a. desert
b. tundra
c. grass land
d. mountains
5. Ponds and rivers are two types of:
a. Marine biomes
b. Rain forest biomes
c. Fresh water biomes
d. Estuary biomes
1. Coniferous trees are found in biome.
2. Grass is the primary vegetation of biome.
3. and are cold deserts.
1. Desert plant show phenomenon of allelopathy.
2. Termites are one of the most important soil
organisms in savannahs.
1. (c) (i), (iii), (vi), (vii)
2. (a) Temperature, water, light and soil.
3. (a) Ability to concentrate urine.
4. (b) Tundra
5. (c) Fresh water biomes.
1. Taiga
2. Savannah
3. Tibet, Gobi.
1. True
2. True
1. Define Biome?
2. Whatis Allelopathy?
1. Classify terrestrial biomes along with their
characteristic feature also mention
flora and fauna found in them.
ABIOTIC FACTORS are essentially what nature
provides, including the Physical Geography of a place — Climate, Soils, and
Water quantity determine the availability of nutrients, and the potential for
food production.
factor is non-living part of an ecosystem that shapes its environment.
In Tarraoaetrial Eenevetam avamniac minht inclhiida
Tamneratira | inht and \Alator
1. The average temperature on land varies
seasonally, decreases progressively from the equator towards the poles and from
the plains to the mountains tops.
2. Thermal springs and deep-sea hydrothermal vents
are unique habitats where average temperatures exceed 1000° Celsius.
3. Temperature affects the kinetics of enzymes and
through it the basal metabolic activity and other physiological functions of
the organism.
4. Organisms which can tolerate and thrive in a wide
range of temperatures, they are called Eurythermal Organisms.Example- cat, dog
5. Organisms which can tolerate a narrow range of
temperatures such organisms are called Stenothermal Organisms. Example- fish,
reptile etc.
1. Life on earth originated in water and is
unsustainable without water.
2. For aquatic organisms the chemical composition,
pH of water is important.
3. The salt concentration varies in aquatic
4. The salt concentration (measured as salinity in
parts per thousand), is less
than 5 per cent in inland waters, 30-35 per cent the
sea and more than 100 per cent in some hyper saline lagoons.
5. The organisms which can tolerate a wide range of
salinities, they are called
Euryhaline Organisms. Example- the green crab.
6. The organisms which tolerate a narrow range of
salinities, they are called
Stenohaline Organisms. Example- goldfish.
1. Plants are dependent on light to produce food
through the process of photosynthesis.
2. Many plants are dependent on sunlight to meet
their photoperiodic requirement for flowering.
3. Animals use the diurnal and seasonal variations
in light intensity and duration
(photoperiod) as cues for timing their foraging,
reproductive and migratory
1. Soil composition, grain size and aggregation
determine the percolation and
water holding capacity of the soils, which along
with parameters such as pH,mineral composition and topography determine the
vegetation in any area.
2. In the aquatic environment, the
sediment-characteristics often determine the type of benthic animals that can
thrive there.
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. The natural habitat of tuna fish is:
a) Temperate ocean
b) Polar region
c) Sub temperate ocean
d) Tropical ocean
2. A majority of organisms are restricted
to narrow range of temperature are called:
a) Stenothermal
b) Endothermal
c) Exothermal
d) Aerothermal
3. Some organisms that are tolerate to wide
range of salinity are:
a) Stenohaline
b) Euryhaline
c) Osmoregulatory
d) Moonflower
4. The algae of following type inhibit the
deepest ocean:
a) Brown
b) Green
c) Red
d) Blue green
5. Small animals are rarely found in:
a) Desert
b) Polar region
c) Air
d) Water
8. Fill in the Blanks:
1. Species that can tolerate narrow range of
temperature are called .
2. The animals require sunlight for their and
seasonal activities.
3. Species that can tolerate a high range of
salinity are called .
c. True/False:
1. Most important ecological factor is light. ( )
2. Autotrophs require sunlight for photosynthesis. (
A. Multiple Choice Questions:
B. Fill in the blanks: -
1. Stenothermal
2. Euryhaline
3. Diverse
C. True/False: -
1. True
2. True
1. What are stenothermal animals?
2. What do you mean by abiotic factors?
3. What are the two categories of abiotic factors?
1. What are abiotic factors? Explain any 2 of them.
Our ecosystem is made of two components or factors.
These are called Abiotic Components or Factors and Biotic Components or
Abiotic factors are nonliving factors, substances
and conditions of the environment which influence survival, form function,
behaviour and reproduction of organisms.
There are many abiotic factors. Out of them the four
major abiotic factors are Temperature, Water, Light and Soil.
Here we will study two Abiotic Factors:
1. Temperature
2. Soil
1. TEMPERATURE:Temperature
is a major ecological factor which influences the various vital activities of
organisms. It is the degree of hotness and coldness. Factors
like latitude, altitude topography, slope and
vegetation cause variation in temperature. There are large temperature
variations in the biosphere.It ranges from sub-zero levels in polar areas and
high altitudes to more
than 50°C in tropical deserts in summer.
Temperature gradient over earth's surface or lapse
rate is 6.4 — 6.5 °C per 10° latitude or 1000m altitude.Animals have classified
on the basis of their tolerance towards
tem perature.
Eurythermal organisms
Stenothermal organisms
Every organism has a specific range of temperature
tolerance.The vertical temperature gradient over the surface of earth is known
as Lapse Gradient.
Three different zones can be differentiated on the
basis of temperature in each hemisphere:
Hot and torrid zones near the equator.
Moderate temperate zones in the middle.
Cold zones at the pole.
Each of these zones has specific populations of
plants and animals.
There is a decrease in temperature with the increase
in altitude which is mainly because of the convection currents in the
2. SOIL:It
is a very important ecological factor which is a natural medium for
growth of plants. It is an essential environmental
component for the
existence of organisms including human
beings.Pedology, the science of study of soil. The word Soil has been derived
from Latin word “Solum” which means earthy material
for the growth and sustenance of plants.It not only provides a substratum for
the attachment of plants but also supplies water and mineral nutrition to them.
Formation of soil takes place by the
following processes:
Physical weathering
Chemical weathering
B. Mineralization and Humification:
Types of soil
Residual soil — Red soil and black soil
Transported soil — Alluvial soil, glacial soil,
eolian soil, colluvial soil.
Soil water
Runway water
Gravitational water
Hygroscopic water
Capillary water
Water holding capacity:It is amount of percentage
water retained by unit weight of dry soil.
Field capacity:It is the amount of water that
remains in the soil after down drainage of
gravitational water.
Soil profile:The vertical section of a soil from its
surface to unweathered rock exhibits
the presence if successive horizontal layers one
after the other. These are as follows:
O01 region
O2 region
Soil temperature :Soil temperature in summer noons
may go up between 50 to 67°C. Root
growth is healthier at temperature below 30°C and
above 10°C.
Chemical properties of Soil:The colloidal particles
of soil possess electronegative charge due to adsorption of excess of the
charges. These particles have a tendency to
adsorb Cations on their surface to balance their
negative charge.
Soil erosion:It is wearing away of fertile soil
surface from its original place and its
deposition at some other place. Water and wind are
two main climatic factors causing soil erosion:
Water erosion
Wind erosion
Soil conservation: means its judicious use and
protection from erosion to maintain its productivity.
Following steps and practices help in
conservation of soil:
Crop rotation and mixed cropping
Strip cropping
Contour farming in hills
Checking of overgrazing
Afforestation and reforestation
1. Multiple choice questions:
1. Removal of soil by action of wind and
water is known as:
(a) Soil erosion
(b) Soil conservation
(c) Salination
(d) All the above
2. The pH of a fertile soil is usually
(a) 2-3
(b) 6 -7
(c) 8-10
(d) 11 -— 12
3. A soil is a mixture of:
(a) Sand and clay
(b) Sand and humus
(c) Clay and humus
(d) Sand, clay and humus
4. What is cold blood animals called?
(a) Homeotherm
(b) Poikilotherm
(c) Littoral
(d) Stenohaline
5. Organism that can tolerate a wide range
of temperature is called:
(a) Eurythermal
(b) Mesotherms
(c) Stenothermal
(d) Stenohaline
2. Fill in blanks:
(a) Plants growing at very low temperature are
called ..................
(b) The best soil for healthy and vigorous growth of
the plant is................
3. True/False
(a) The incomplete decomposed organic matter left
after mineralization is called humus.
(b) Red soils are poor in calcium, magnesium,
nitrogen and phosphorus.
(c) Black soil is also called as black cotton soil.
a) Multiple choice questions:
1. (a)
2. (b)
3. (d)
4. (b)
5. (a)
b) Fill in blanks:
1. Hekistotherms
2. Loamy soil
c) True/False:
1. True
2. True
3. True
1. What are the important features of well aerated
2. What harms are caused by soil erosion?
3. What is the main reason for temperature decrease
with increasing altitude?
1. Describe the soil profile and composition of its
various horizons.
BIOTIC FACTORS:Dear students, you know that our
ecosystem is made of two components
or factors. These are called Abiotic Components or
Factors and Biotic Components or Factors .Here we will study BIOTIC FACTORS.
Living organisms present in an ecosystem are called
BIOTIC FACTORS.These are Bacteria, Fungi, Protists, Plants and Animals. So
there are different types of living organisms present in an ecosystem.They are
linked with each other through food and web of other relations.Food provides
energy for body functioning and materials for building the
body.So on the basis of mode of taking food Biotic
Factors are of three types:-
4. Some other HETEROTROPHS
organisms which are able to prepare their food from inorganic raw
material for themselves and also for other biotic
components of ecosystem are
called producers.
They are also called Autotrophs.
Autotrophs obtain energy from solar radiations for
photosynthesis and are also
called Photoautotrphs.
Photoautotrophs convert solar energy into chemical
energy therefore, they are
also called Transducers.
Solar energy is used in converting inorganic raw
material into organic compounds like carbohydrates, proteins, lipids ete.
The producers also maintain COz and O2 balance in
6CO2 +6H20 ---—--> CsHi206 +602
Green plants, algae, algal protists, cyanobacteria,
phytoplanktons etc. are
examples of biotic components.
organisms which obtain their food from other organisms are called
They are also called Phagotrophs because their mode
of obtaining food is
Animals, insects, protists, fish,snakes, birds
etc.are consumers.
Consumers are of following types:-
|. Primary or First order consumers
ll. Secondary or second order consumers
lll. Tertiary or Third order consumers
IV. Top carnivores
|. Primary or First order consumers:- These animals
directly feed on producers are also called HERBIVORES.E.g. Protozoan protists,
mosquito larvae,tadpoles,caterpillars, rat, hare,cattle, insects,butterflies
ll. Secondary or second order consumers:- Those
animals which feed upon (prey on) herbivores are called secondary consumers.
They are also called Primary Carnivores. E.g. water
insects,Hydra,frog, spiders, insectivorous birds,snakes, fox,wild cats etc.
lll.Tertiary or Third order Consumers: - Those
animals that feed upon primary carnivores are called Tertiary Consumers.
E.g. larger fishes feeding on small fish,wolf
feeding on fox, snakes feeding on
frog etc.
IV.TOP CARNIVORES: - The carnivores which are not
eaten by any other organisms are called top carnivores. They may belong to the
category of primary, secondary or tertiary carnivores.E.g. tiger,lion,falcon,
panther etc.
They are saprotrophic micro-organisms which obtain
nourishment from organic remains.
They pour their digestive enzymes on organic
Extracellular digestion takes place and organic
remains are degraded or dispossed off completely.
During this process inorganic minerals are
liberated, therefore decomposers are also called mineralisers.
4. Some other HETEROTROPHS:-
Scavengers or Detrivores:-They feed on corpses (dead
bodies),e.g.Vultures, Carrions beetle.
Parasites :- They get their nourishment
from other living host that may be all
categories of organisms.Parasites are Bacteria,
Fungi, Protozoa,Round worms,Flat worms,some insects etc.
Multiple choice questions:
1. Those organisms which are able to
produce their food themselves are called-
(a) Producers
(b) Autotrophs
(c) Photoautotrophs
(d) All the above
2. The organisms that obtain their
nourishment from organic remains are
(a) Carnivores
(b) Detritivores
(c) Decomposers
(d) Producers
3. Photoautotrophs convert solar energy in-
(a) Chemical energy
(b) Electrical energy
(c) Mechanical energy
(d) None of the above
4. Falcon belongs to the category of-
(a) Primary carnivore
(b) Secondary carnivore
(c) Tertiary carnivore
(d) Top carnivore
5. In deep aquatic ecosystems, main
producers are floating minute autotrophs called-
(a) Phytoplanktons
(b) Herbivores
(c) Zooplanktons
(d) Carnivores
Fill in blanks
(a) Transducers convert solar energy into
................during photosynthesis.
(b) ...............0btain their nourishment from
HOST (living organisms)and
harmful to HOST also.
(a) Biotic factors are living components of ecosystem.
(b) Scavengers or Detritivores feed on corpses.
(c) Decomposers degrade organic remains into
inorganic nutrients.
Multiple choice questions-
1. (a) Green plants are autotrophs.
2. (c) Detrivores convert organic remains into inorganic
3. (a) Chemical energy is stored in organic
4. (d) Falcon is top carnivore
5. (a) These are aquatic microorganisms.
Fill in blanks:
1. Chemical energy
2. Parasites
1. True
2. True
3. True
1. What is difference between Decomposers and
Detritivores ?
2. What are Parasites?
3. What are Photoautotrophs?
1. Explain different types of Consumers with two
examples each ?
students, we rarely find isolated individuals of any species in nature,but
majority of them live in groups in a well-defined geographical area, share or
compete for similar resources which can potentially
interbreed. Such groups
make population.
A number of populations of different species are
present in a biotic community. All of them do not interbreed with one another.
Breeding occurs only among the individuals of same population. Also breeding
term implies the sexual reproduction but the organisms resulting from asexual
reproduction are also
considered population for ecological studies.
Cormorants in a wetland
Rats in an abandoned dwelling
Teakwood trees in a forest tract
Lotus plants in a pond
population has certain attributes (characteristics) which an_ individual
organism does not have. An individual can be male or female, but the population
has sex ratio. An individual may have birth or death, but the population as
whole has birth rate and death rate. So, population has group Attributes such
Natality, Mortality, sex ratio, density, dispersal,
age distribution and growth forms etc.
is defined as the number of individuals added in a unit of population due to
births of new young ones. In case of humans, it is expressed as the number of
births per 1000 persons per year in the population. The birth rate is expressed
as change in numbers with respect to actual population.For example, in a pond there
were 20 lotus plants last year and 8 new plants are added by birth of new
plants. So, birth rate will be 8/20=0.4 new plants or
40% per lotus plant per year.
number of natural deaths in a unit of population per unit time is called
mortality rate. In animals the death rate is counted per 100 individuals where
as In case of humans, it is expressed as the number of deaths per 1000
individuals per year in the population. The death rate is also expressed as
change in numbers with respect to actual population.
For example, If four individuals in a Laboratory
population of 40 fruit
flies died during a specified period say a week, So,
the death rate in the population
will be will 04/40=0.1 individuals per fruit fly per
sex ratio of a population is the ratio of males to females per thousand
individuals in a population. In case of humans
Generally the sex ratio is depicted as
number of females per thousand males. In case of
Animals, males and females are usually equal in numbers but the ratio is
greatly disturbed in case of humans due to
human intervention in natural process of
reproduction.According to 2011 census the sex ratio of Punjab is 895 females
with respect to 1000 males and that of Haryana was 879 females w.r.t.1000 males
which was much
less in comparison to national sex ratio of 940
females w.r.t 1000 males
age distribution is also an important feature of population A population at any
given time is composed of individuals of different ages. If the age
distribution (percent individuals of a given age or age group) is plotted for
the population the resulting structure is called an AGE PYRAMID. Following
pyramids show the age distribution of males and females for human population. —
The ratio of various age groups in a population
determines the current reproductive status of the population. In 1958 the
ecologist Bodenheimer divided these age groups as pre -reproductive,
reproductive and post -reproductive age groups.Pre-Reproductive Individuals: -
These are young individuals who will enter the reproductive age after some
time. Generally, a rapidly expanding population contains a large number of
pre-reproductive (young) individuals.
Reproductive Individuals: - These individuals are
those which add new individuals to the population. In a stable population the
number is equal to pre reproductive individuals. A stable population has a
small number of
pre -reproductive individuals and shows zero growth.
Post-Reproductive Individuals: - These are the older
individuals who do not take part in reproduction. A declining population has
larger number of older individuals to the population.
is defined as the movement of individuals into and out of an area during their
life this results in the change in the size of population. The dispersal in
population helps in far distribution of organisms, protection from extreme hot
and cold seasons, protection from predators and invaders. Dispersal occurs by
three ways: -
It is a process of regular and usually seasonal movement of a part
or whole population to and from an area. Many birds,
fishes, reptiles, amphibians, and
insects migrate from their native area to other
parts. It is done to escape from
unfavourable conditions
It is the permanent departure of individuals from a population for
settlement into new area. Emigration occurs in
animals to save them from natural
calamities. Emigration also occurs to cope with
scarcity of food and shelter.In case of human beings, we see Many Indians go to
western countries to settle there, that is emigration.
It is the permanent entry of individuals from outside into an existing
population. In animals’ immigration occurs due to availability of better food
and shelter facilities.In case of human beings, we experience of a number of
of natives of Uttar, Pradesh Bihar and Nepal which
immigrate to Punjab and other
states of India.
number of individuals of a population present per unit area is called density.
If the total number of individuals is represented by letter ‘N’ and space is
represented letter ‘S’ then population density D=N/S.
The term Population size is technically known as
population density
The size of population tells about its status in the
The action of predator or the effect of pesticide
application can be viewed by
the poplation size.
Absolute density or total counting can be one by
countig of all individuals of a
Counting can be indirect as the tiger census in our
national parks is based on pug marks and faecal pellets.
Number of fish caught per trap is used as a mearure
for estimating ththe population density of fish in a lake
Population density is never static, rather it is
dynamic and always changing
Environment resistance, ,food availability,
predationpressure,weather and group properties have a direct impact on
population density
The size of a population for any species is not
static parameter
It keeps on changing with time, depending on various
factors such as food availability, predation, pressure and adverse weather
The changes in population density give us an idea
that whether the population is flourishing or declining
The increase in the size of a population over a
period of time is called Population Growth
Population density in a given habitat fluctuates due
to changes in four basic
Two processes (Natality and immigration) contribute
to an increase in population density
Two processes (Mortality and Emigration) contribute
to a decrease in population density
If Nis the population density at time t, its
population density at time t+1 is Ne =Net+[(B+1)-(D+E)Where Natality----B,
Immigration-—-I, Mortality—-D, Emigration---E
Let’s know what we have learnt!
A. Multiple choice questions:
1. The average number of new individuals
added per unit population due to birth of new young ones is called as:
(a) Natality rate
(b) Birth rate
(c) Mortality rate
(d) Both (a) and (b)
2. The diagrammatic representation of age
distribution is called as:
(a) Bar graphs
(b) Pie chart
(c) Age Pyramids
(d) None of the above
3. The population with older (post reproductive
(a) Stable population
(b) Expanding population
(c) Declining population
(d) Static population
4. The seasonal movement of Siberian Cranes
to a suitable habitat is:
(a) Immigration
(b) Migration
(c) Emigration
(d) Mitigation
5. The tiger census in our national parks
and tiger reserves is based upon:
(a) Actual counting
(b) Counting of pug marks
(c) Counting of faecal pellets
(d) Both (b) and (c)
B. Fill in blanks:
(a) Generally, sex ratio in case of human beings is
expressed as number of
females per ................ males.
(b) The poplation size can be viewed by
-------------- or the effect of pesticide
application .
C. True/False:
(a) A single population lives in a biotic community.
(b) Expanding population has more number of pre- reproductive
(c) Immigration decreases the population density
whereas Emigration increases the population density.
A. Multiple choice questions:
1. (d) Natality rate and Birth rate
2. (c) Age Pyramids.
3. (c) The population in which a greater number of
post reproductive
individuals is called Declining population
4. (b) Migration
5. (d) counting of pug marks and faecal pellets
B. Fill in blanks:
1. 1000 males
2. Action of predator
C. True/False:
1. False
2. True
3. True
1. Define population?
2. What are Population attributes?
3. Define natality rate and mortality rate.
4. Name ecological ages. What are age pyramids?
5. Define immigration, emigration, and migration.
6. What is population density?
7. Write the formula for population density or
population growth.
1. Explain different population attributes?
2. With diagrammatic representation explain;
population density, natality,mortality, immigration, emigration. Also write
formula for population density.
Population is a group of individuals living in a
well-defined geographical area,
share or compete for similar or compete for similar
resources and potentially
interbreed, constitute a population e.g. All
cormorants in a wetland, rats in an
abandoned dwelling, teakwood trees in a forest,
bacteria in a culture plate and
lotus plants in a pond. Although the term
interbreeding means sexual reproduction
but a group of individual resulting from even
asexual reproduction is also considered population for the purpose of ecology.
Although an individual organism is the one that has to cope with a changed
environment but natural selaction operates at population level to evolve the
desired traits.
Population Growth: Density of population in a given
habitat during a given period, fluctuates due to changes in following four
basic processes :
(i)Natality (B):It is the number of births during a
given period in the population
that are added to initial desnsity.
(ii)Mortality (D):It is the number of deaths in the
population during a given period.
(ii) Immigration (I): It is the number of
individuals of the samespecies that
have come into the habitat fromi elsewhere in a
given period
(iv) Emigration (E) =it is the number of individuals
of the population who left
the habitat and gone elsewhere during a given time period.
Natality and immigration cause increase in population density.Mortality
and emigration cause decrease in population density.If N, is the population
density at time t, then its density at time t+1 is Nui = Nit {{B+ 1)-(D+E)]From
the above equation it is clear that population density will increase it number
of births plus the number of immigrants.(B+1) is more than the number of deaths
plus the number of emigrants (D+E),
otherwise it will decrease.Under normal conditions,
births and deaths are the most important factors which influence population
density.Other two factors become important only under special conditions e.g.
if a new
habitat is just being colonized, the population is
growing more by immigration
than by birth rates.
Growth Models: Growth of a population with time show
specific predictable
pattern:Exponential growth:When resources (food and
space) in the habitat are
unlimited, each species has the ability to realize
fully innate potential to grow in
number (Biotic potential), Darwin observed this
while developing theory of natural selection. Then population grows in an
exponential of geometric fashion.If in a population of size N, the birth rates
are represented as b and death rate as d, then the increase or decrease in N
during a unit time period t will be = dN= (b-d) x N, Let (b-d) = r then dN=
rN.dt dt The r in the equation is called ‘intrinsic rate of natural increase’.
It is very important parameter chosen for assessing the impacts of any biotic
or abiotic factor on population growth. Magnitude of r value for Norway rat is
0.015, for flour beetle=0.12. In 1981, the r value for human population in
India was
0.0205. The above equation describes the exponential
or geometric growth pattern of a population. It results in a J-shaped curve
when we plot N in relation to time. The integral form of exponential growth
equation is as follows:
N= Noe™
N: = population density after time t
No = population density at time zero.
r = intrinsic rate of natural increase.
e = the base of natural logarithms (2.71828)
The equation describes the exponential or geometric
growth pattern of a population and result in a J- shaped curve of exponential
growth is characteristic of some population that are introduced into a new or
environment or whose numbers have been drastically
reduced by a catastrophic
event and are rebounding.Any species growing
exponentially under unlimited resource conditions can reach enormous population
densities in a short time.
Logistic qrowth: No population of any species. in
nature has at its disposal unlimited resources to permit exponential growth. A
population growing in a habitat with a unlimited resources show initially a lag
phase, followed by phases of acceleration and deceleration and finally an
asymptote, when the population density reaches the carrying capacity. A plot of
N in relation to time
(t) results in a sigmoid curve. This type of
population growth is called Ver hulst -
Pearl Logistic Growth . It is described by following
equation:dN/dt = rN (K-N/K), Population density at time t. r = Intrinsic rate
of natural increase, K= Carrying capacity.
Resources for growth for most animal population are
finite and become limiting
sooner or later. So logistic growth model is
considered more realistic one.
Biotic Potential : Biotic potential is the natural
capacity of a population to
increase at its maximum rate (It is not dependent on
environmental factors).
Environmental Resistance: The sum of the factors
which prevent a population from reproducing at its maximum rate.
Carrying Capacity : Carrying capacity is the
environment's ability to provide necessary resources to support a
population.Exponential model does not have carrying capacity because responses
are not limiting the growth plot.
1. Which of the following parameter is not
a part of population growth?
(a) Natality
(b) Mortality
(c) Metapopulation
(d) Emigration
2. In growth pattern, (1-N/K) is:
(a) Carrying capacity
(b) Intrinsic rate of natural increase
(c) Environmental resistance
(d) Biotic potencial
3. Exponential population growth is
(a) dn/dt = rN
(b) dt/dN = rN
(c) dN/rN = at
(d) rN/dN = dt
4. The density of a population in a given
habitat during a given period,fluctuates due to changes in four basic processes
On this basis choose the correct option to fill up A and B boxes in the given
(a) A = Natality +lmmigration. B = Mortality+
(b) A=Natality + Mortality, B= Immigration
(c) (c) A= Birth rate+ Death rate, B= Mortality +
(d) A=Natality +Emigration, B =Mortality +
5. Identify Ito 1V which affect the
population density:
1. is the number of individuals of the population
who left the habitat and gone elsewhere during the time period under
2. The formula for Logistic Growth are.
3. The two basic processes which contribute a
increase in population density are
1.The integral form of the exponential growth
equation is N; = No e*. (T/F)
2. Organisms with very high intrinsic growth rates
have long generation times.(T/F)
3. In exponential growth, the increase or decrease
in population size during a unit
period is N x (b-d). (T/F)
1. c Metapopulation
HINT : Population growth is the increase in the
number of individuals in a population.
Natality, Immigration, Mortality and Emigration are
the process which effects the
density of population in a given habitat during a
given period of time. The former two
processes contribute an increase in population
density whereas the latter two
processes toward decrease.
2. c Environmental Resistance
HINT: In growth pattern, environmental resistance
(1-N/K) is the action of limiting
abiotic and biotic factors that prohibit the growth
of a population as it would grow
according to its biotic potencial.
3. a dN/dt = rN
HINT:The population grows in an exponential of
geometric fashion. If in a population of
size N, the birth rates are represented as b and
death rate as d, then the increase or
decrease in N during a unit time period t will be:= dN=
(b-d) x N, Let (b-d) =r then dN= rN.dt dt
4. (a) A= Natality +Immigration. B = Mortality+
Emigration HINT: It is the number of births during a given period in the
population that are added to initial desnsity.
It is the number of deaths in the population during
a given period.
Itis the number of individuals of the samespecies
that have come into the habitat fromi elsewhere in a given period.
It is the number of individuals of the population
who left the habitat and gone
elsewhere during a given time period.
5. (c) Increase Increase Decrease Decrease
HINT: According to the given figure, |. Il. Ill. And
IV (which affects the basic process of population density) are respectively
Increase. Increase. Decrease and Decrease.
1 Emigration HINT: It is the number of individuals
of the population who left the habitat and gone elsewhere during a given time
2. dN/dt = rN [ kw/«] HINT: A population growing in
a habitat with an unlimited
resources show initially a lag phase, followed by
phases of acceleration and
deceleration and finally an asymptote, when the
population density reaches the
carrying capacity. A plot of N in relation to time
(t) results in a sigmoid curve. This
type of population growth is called Ver hulst -
Pearl Logistic Growth . It is described
by following equation: dN/dt =r N (K-N/K),
Population density at time t. r = Intrinsic
rate of natural dt increace capacity.
3. Natality and immigration. HINT: — . It is the
number of births during a given period in the population that are added to
initial desnsity.It is the number of individuals of the samespecies that have
come into
the habitat fromi elsewhere in a given period.
1.TRUE HINT: The integral form of exponential growth
equation is as follows:
Ni = Noe™
N: = population density after time t
No= population density at time zero.
r = intrinsic rate of natural increase.
e = the base of natural logarithms (2.71828)
The equation describes the exponential or geometric
growth pattern of a population and result in a J- shaped curve of exponential
growth is characteristic of some population that are introduced into a new or
unfilled environment or whose numbers have been drastically reduced by a
catastrophic event and are rebounding.
2. FALSE HINT: The intrinsic rate of increase is
inversely related to generation time, T. Therefore, organisms with very high
intrinsic growth rates have short generation times.
3. TRUE HINT: In exponential growth, the increase or
decrease in population size
during a unit period is N x (b-d).
1. What is “carrying capacity” of a species in a
habitat? Why logistic growth model is
considered more realistic?
2. Write difference between population size and
population density.
3. Explain Natality and Mortality.
1. Draw and explain a Logistic curve for a
population of density (N) at a time (t)
whose intrinsic rate of natural increase is (r) and
carrying capacity (K).
Adaptation is a quality of the organism that enables
them to become better suited to the changing environment. Plants adapt or
adjust to their surroundings. This helps them to live and grow.
You would not see a cactus growing in Iceland nor
would you see tall trees in
grasslands. A tree that lives in the rainforest
would die in a desert area. A cactus that lives in the deserts would not
survive in a water lily pad. Thus plants adapt to their surroundings and
climates. If the habitat changes drastically the plant species must adapt,
otherwise they would not survive.
There is different ecological adaptation of plants
like morphological,physiological or behavioural.
The following are the ecological adaptation of hydrophytes:
1. They have extensive air spaces in their leaves
stems and roots.
2. Epidermis usually lacks cuticle
3. They have reduced vascular elements
4. Mucilage prevent the decays of plants in the
5. Water is absorbed by the entire plant surface
Mesophytes do not have any specific morphological
1. They usually have broad ,flat and green leaves
2. They have a extensive fibrous roots system to
absorb water
3. They have ability to develop perennating organs
such as corns ,rhizoms and water for use during drought.
1. Root system is well-developed
2. Stem is usually green and is covered with thick
cuticles, wax and it is covered with dense hairs.
3. Leaves usually absent and are modified into
spines or scales
4. Sunken stomata are present
5. Many xerophytes show CAM ( crassulacean acid
metabolism) cycle
6. Seeds are with thick and coat for protection
a) MCQs
1. Waxy coating on the surface of floating
leaves prevents :-
a) Respiration
b) Photosynthesis
c) Clogging of stomata
d) Transpiration
2. Air spaces are present in leaves stem
and roots is characteristic feature of
a) Hydrophytes.
b) Mesophytes
c) Xerophytes.
d) Heliophytes
3. Which one are xerophytes?
a) Rose.
b) Lotus
c) Casuarina
d) China rice
4. Xerophytes are mostly:
a) Succulents.
b) water-related
c) Mesophytes
d) None of these
5. Plants that prefer area with high
moisture content:
a) Hydrophytes.
b) Mesophytes
c) Xerophytes.
d) Halophytes
b) Fill ups
1. The plants protects themselves from extremes of
2. prevents the decay of plant body in water.
3. Rhizoms and bulbs are adaptation of plant.
c) True/False
1. Sunken stomata are present in mesophytes.
2. In xerophytes CAM cycle is present.
b)Fill ups:
1. Xerophytes
2. Mucilage
3. Mesophytes
1. False (It present in mesophytes)
2. True
1. What are the adaptations of plants to water
2. What are adaptations?
3. What is significance of adaptations?
1. Compare the differences of mesophytes, hydrophytes
and xerophytes?
The adaptations are the useful morphological,
physiological or behavioural changes developed in living organisms over a long
period of time to adjust, itself according to a particular environment. The adaptations
make the organisms more fit to its environment and increase their chances of
survival and reproduction for the continuation of race.Following adaptations
occur in animals:
Some animals brings changes in their morphology or anatomy for thermo regulation as evident from following rules -
a-Jorden’s rule — The fish found in water of low temperature tend to have more vertebrae than those of warmer waters
b-Gloger’s rule- The mammals, birds and insects of
tropical region are more darker in colour and heavily pigmented than those of
arctic region.
c-Resch’s rule — The birds of colder regions tend to have relatively narrow wings than the birds found in warmer areas
rule — The birds and mammals of cold regions are large sized than those of
warmer region.
Allen’s rule — The tail snout, pinnae of ears and
legs of mammals are relatively shorter in colder part than in the warmer parts.
The pinnae of desert fox are largest sized while those of red fox are small
sized and those of arctic fox are the smallest in size.
2- Polar bear and polar sea animals like seals have
a thick layer of fat called
blubber in their subcutaneous zone of skin. The
blubber acts as insulator and reduces the loss of body heat.
desert animals face the problem of scarcity of water they develop different
methods for either moisture getting or moisture conversation. Camel has water
cells in wall of its stomach to store metabolic water formed during the
biological breakdown of fats stored in its hump. Kangaroo rat depends on
metabolic water
produced during its fat oxidation.
are those adaptations which enable the organisms to respond quickly to a
stressful situation .The person living in planes have ever gone to hilly area,
start suffering from high attitude sickness characterized by nausea, fatigue,
heart palpitation due to less availability of oxygen.
are those adaptations which are shown by certain organisms in their behaviour
to protect themselves from a stressful situation. Desert lizards bask in sun to
absorb heat radiations and increase its body temperature in cold conditions
are those adaptations in the biochemical reactions and the enzymes controlling
such reactions which enable them to live in the extreme environment .Marine
invertebrates and fishes live at great depths in ocean where pressure could be
hundred times than normal conditions.
A- Multiple choice questions:
1) According to Allen’s rule, the mammals
from colder climates have
(a) Shorter eras and longer limbs
(b) Longer ears and shorter limbs
(c) Longer ears and longer limbs
(d) Shorter ears and shorter limbs
2) According to Gloger’s rule mammals,
birds and insects of tropical region
(a) More darker in colour
(b) More lighter in colour
(c) Sometimes darker and sometimes lighter
(d) All of theses
3) Which of following animal depends on
metabolic water produced during its fat oxidation?
(a) Kangaroo rat
(b) Snail
(c) Fish
(d) Polar bear
4) Choose the correct option:
(a)Adaptations increase the chances of survival
(b)Adaptations decrease the chances of survival
(c)Adaptations do not affect chances of survival
(d) Adaptations rarely affect chances of survival
5) Which of following animal bask in the
sun to absorb heat radiations?
(b) Desert lizard
(c) Camel
(d) Kangaroo rat
B — True / False:
a) Adaptations make the organisms more fit to its
b) According to Jorden’s rule fishes found in water
of low temperature tend to have less vertebrae than those of warmer water.
c) Desert animals face the problem of scarcity of
C -Fill in the blanks:
a) Polar bear have a thick lair of fat called
-------- in their subcutaneous zone of skin.
b) ---------- has water cells in wall of its stomach
to store metabolic water.
A) Multiple choice questions:
1- (d) Shorter ears and shorter limbs
2- (a) More darker in colour
3- (a) Kangaroo rat
4- (a) Adaptation increase the chances of survival
5- (b) Desert Lizard
B) True / false:
a) True
b) False
c) True
C) Fill in the blanks:
a) Blubber
b) Water
1) Write a short note on biochemical adaptation?
2) Give examples of osmoregulation adaptation?
3) What are physiological adapation?
1)Describe Allen’s rule with example?
Species interactions refers to direct and indirect
interrelationship or association between different organisms, which could be
between different organisms, which could be between:
Plants and plants,
Plants and animals and
Animals and animals as well as micro-organisms like
bacteria, fungi and the like
Among different species there is a struggle for
living ,|nabitat food, for survival in nature. Animals,plants and microbes
cannot live in isolation but interact in various ways to form a biological
community. Even in minimal communities many interactive linkages exist although
all may not be readily
Even a plant species which makes its own food cannot
survive alone, it needs soil microbes to break down the organic matter in soil
and return the in organic nutrients for absorption.Pollination also need agents
for dispersal.Interspecific interactions arise from the interaction of
populations of two
different species. They could be beneficial,
detrimental or neutral( neither harm nor benefit) to one of the species or
both, assigning’ +' sign for beneficial interaction and '_' for detrimental
and’ 0' for neutral interaction.Let us look at all the possible outcomes of
interspecific interactions.
In mutualistic relationship, two organisms of of
different species work together for the benefit of each other.
1) The ox pecker(a bird) sits on back of rhinoceros
and feeds on its skin ectoparasites. Bird gets the food and rhinoceros is
relieved of the parasites
2) Pollination of flowers by insects. Insects gets
nectar and pollens as food while for plants its important for continuity of
3) Lichens involve the symbiotic association between
a green algae (phycobiont) and a fungus (mycobiont). algal cells
photosynthesize and make food, while fungal hyphae provide moisture and
minerals to algal cells.
4) Mycorrhizae involves symbiotic association
between a fungus (mycobiont)and higher plant (phycobiont). The roots provide
carbohydrates and shelter while fungus helps in absorption of water and
Simplest interspecific positive interaction, in
which small member called commensal is benefitted and larger member called host
is niether benefitted nor harmed.
Example: Epiphytes, also called space parasites,
grow perched on other plants, use host for support and ‘not’ for water or food
Fig:-3 Example of Commensalism: Epihytic roots of
In epiphytes, there is a special tissue called
velamen,over the root surface
which can take up water from the atmosphere. Money
plant grow as epiphyes and orchids also.
In predation, larger species called predator,
attacks, kills and feeds on the smaller species called prey.Example;
Insectivorous plants, lion eating a deer, cat attacking a mouse.
In a parasitic relationship smaller partner, called
parasite, derives food and
shelter from the body of larger partner called host
and inhibits survival of the
Example tapeworms fleas and branches.
The fleas harm their hosts such as dogs by biting
their skin sucking their blood and causing them to itch.
Tapeworms attach themselves to the inside of the
intestine of animals such as cows pigs and humans.
In this interaction, two or more members of same
species or different species of same trophic level compete for a common
resource like light, moisture,nutrients etc, which are in short supply.
So, both the interacting species are harmed.
The example of competition is a colony of bees birds
and protect a Hive together or microbes compared for chemical substrate.
It is biological interaction among two species where
one is destroyed or inhibited and other remains unaffected.
Example: Formation of antibiotics that are
antagonistic to microbes. Mould Penicillium secretes penicillin that ultimately
kills bacteria.
Part A) Very short answer type
questions :-
Multiple choice questions.
Q-1) interspecific competition is also
known as
a) allelopathy
b) interference competition
c) scramble competition
d) none of these
Q-2) In commensalism
a)Both partners harmed
b)Both partners are benefited
c)None of the partner benefited
d)Weaker partner is benefited
Q-3) The relationship between climber and
host it is an example of
a) Mutualism
b) commensalism
c) parasitism
d) neutralism
Q-4) When food is obtained by killing of
host in which the stronger partner is benefited and host is damaged it is
a) competition
b) antibiosis
c )predation
d) Parasitism
Q-5) Bread mould penicillium secretes
penicillin that kills
a) Bacteria
b) virus
c) fungi
d) algae
Q-6)Animals and plants can live in isolation.
Q-7) In mutualism both organisms are beneficial for
each other.
Q-8) in commensalism one organism is benefited and other is neither harmed not
Fill inthe blanks: -
Q-9) Pollination needs ........ for dispersal of
Q-10) in amensalism one species is destroyed and
other remains.........
Part B) short answer type questions.-
Q-1) write two examples of parasitism.
Q-2) write a note on predation.
Q-3) define competition.
Part-C) Long answer type questions:-
Q-4) what are interspecific interactions? Write main
types of
Multiple choice questions
ANS 1} — (b) Interference competition
ANS 2} = (d)weaker partner is benefited : while the
other one is niether harmed nor benefitted
ANS 3} —_(b) Commensalism : As climbers are space
parasites and do not derive food and water from the host.
ANS 4} — (c) predation :The stronger partner is the
predator and weaker one is prey.
ANS 5} = (a) bacteria : The fungus secretes
antibiotic that kills bacteria and the interaction is called ammensalism.
ANS 6)- ‘False : They can not live in isolation
because they interact with each other is one or other way.
ANS 7)- True
ANS 8)- True
Fillinthe blanks
ANS 9) agents
ANS 10) Unaffected.
In nature animals, plants and microbes cannot live
in isolation. They interact with each other in various ways.Positive
interactions are those interspecific interactions in which either one or both
the interacting species are benefitted but neither is harmed.
these are assigned '+' sign.Positive interactions
are of following types:
1. Mutualism (obligatory)
2. protocooperation (facultative)
3. commensalism
(+/+,obligatory)It is the interaction in which both the members favour the
growth and survival of each other.
The examples are:
Lichens - an intimate relationship between fungus
and algae.fungus absorbs nutrients for algae which prepares food for fungus.
Mycorrhizae- association of fungus with roots of
higher plants.The fungus help the plants in absorption of nutrients which in
provide the fungus with energy rich compounds.
Pollination of flower by insects - the insect gets
nectar and pollen as food while the plant gets pollinated.
Trichonympha (protozoan) is a symbiont in the
intestine of white ant (termite). The ant provides food and shelter to the
which in turn secretes cellulase enzyme the
cellulose of wood ingested by the ant.
It is a Kind of positive interspecific interaction
in which both species
are benefitted but the association is optional.
Crocodile and bird association:
The crocodile bird enters the opened mouth of crocodile and eats the leeches. So the bird gets the food while the crocodile is relieved of sanguivorous parasites.
Hermit crab and Sea anemone association
Tick bird — Rhinoceros
The tick birds sits on the back of rhinoceros and
feeds on its skin ectoparasites such as lice, ticks , mite, etc. The bird gets
food and rhinoceros gets relief from sanguivorous parasites.
It is the interaction in which one species is
benefitted and the other is neither harmed nor benefitted.The species which
gets benefit is assigned a ‘+’ sign.The species which is neither harmed nor
benefitted is assigned ‘o’ sign.The examples are:
Epiphytes, also called space parasites, grow perched
on other plants,use host for support and ‘not’ for water or food supply. Eg:
Orchids growing on mango tree, Money plant is also a space parasite
Barnacle growing on the back of a whale.
Sea anemone and clown fish. The clown fish gets
protection from predators by tentacles of sea anemone but the sea anemone gets
Part A: Very Short Type Question Answer:
1. Which sign is assigned to interacting
species in mutualism?
(a) A(+) B(+) =
(b) A(+) B(-)—
(€) A(-) B(+)—
(d) A(-) B(-)
2. Which type of interaction occurs in
(a) protocooperation
(b) commensalism
(c) mutualism
(d) predation
3. Association of clown fish and sea
anemone is an example of
(a) mutualism
(b) predation
(c) protocooperation
(d) commensalism
4. Which of the following in an example of
(a) tick bird-rhinoceros
(b) epiphyte-mango
(d) lichen
5. In protocooperation the association
between interacting species
(a) is obligatory
(b) is facultative
(c) none of these
(d) both of these
1. The living organisms can live in isolation.
2. The association between species is always
beneficial to both
3. The species which is benefitted is assigned (+)
1. The interactions in which both members are
benefitted are called interactions.
2. The member which is neither benefitted nor harmed
is assigned a sign.
1. What do you mean by positive interactions?
2. What is relationship of fig and wasp?
3. What are (+) and (0) signs used for?
1. Explain protocooperation with examples.
1. (a) A(+) B(+) : in mutualism both species are
2. (c) mutualism in lichen algae and fungus coexist
benefitting from each other
3. (d) commensalism clown fish gets protection and
sea anemone is unaffected.
4. (b) epiphyte and mango tree epiphyte is
benefitted by getting shelter from the mango tree, whereas the mango tree is
neither harmed nor benefitted.
5. (b) is facultative in protocooperation
association is optional not compulsory.
1. False : they interact through one or other means
2. False : there are positive as well as negative
3. True
1. Positive
2. (0)
“Population interaction is the interaction between
different populations. !t refers to
the effects that the organism in a community have on
one another.”Dear students, we have discussed about positive interactions in
our previous assignment. In this assignment we will discuss about negative
Negative interactions:-In these interactions members
of either one or both the
interacting species are harmed.These are called
antagonistic relationships.
Inhibited or harmed species is symbolised as(-).
Negative interactions are of following
different ty pes:-
Parasitism:-It is a type of antagonistic
interspecific interaction in which smaller
partner, called parasite, derives food and shelter
from in or on the body of larger partner, called host, and inhibits the
survival of the host. So the parasitic species is benefitted while host species
is harmed.Species A(Parasite)=(+)
Species B(Host) =(-)
On the basis of host-parasite
relationship parasitism is of two types:-
(a) Temporary or partial parasitism:-In this, the
parasite spends most of their life cycle as free- living organism and only a
part of life is spent as parasite e.g
Glochidium larva of Unio(fresh-water
mussel)undergoes metamorphosis as
ectoparasite on a freshwater fish.
(b) Permanent or Holoparasitic
In this, the organism spend their whole life cycle
as parasites. It is of two types:-
(1) Ectoparasitism:-In this, the parasites live
outside the host's body e.g bugs, fleas,ticks,lice, numerous crustaceans. The
most important example of ectoparasitism are the lice on humans and ticks on
dogs.Many marine fishes are infested with ectoparasitic copepods.Cuscutta a
parasitic plant that is
commonly found growing on hedge plant .
(2) Endoparasitism:-In
this,the parasites live inside the host body e.g Jaenia
Ascaris and Entamoeba in the intestine of man and cause Taeniasis,Ascariasis and Amoebic dysentery respectively.
(matarial parasite) in the liver cells and RBCs of man causes malaria.The life
- cycle of some parasites involves one or two intermediate hosts or vectors to
facilitate parasitism of its primary hosts.
The human liver fluke depends on two intermediate
hosts ( a snail and a fish) to
complete its life- cycle. The malarial parasite needs a vector ( mosquito) to spread to other host.
parasitism, also called social parasitism, is the exploitation by one
individual (the brood parasite) of the parental care of another (thehost).
Brood parasites can deposit eggs in the nests or broods of another individual
of the same (conspecific brood parasitism) or of a different (interspecific
brood parasitism) species. Hosts often raise
young of the brood parasite, typically at the expense of their own young.
It is found in members of certain species of birds
e.g black headed ducks and about 50% of species of cuckoos .The female koel
does not prepare its own nest and lays its eggs in the crow’s nest.Brood
parasitism relieves the parasitic parents from the investment of rearing young
or building nests for the young, enabling them to spend more time on other
activities such as foraging and producing further offspring. Bird parasite
species mitigate the risk of egg loss by distributing eggs amongst a number of
different hosts.
A type of negative interaction in which larger
species called predator attacks and
kills and feeds on the smaller species is called
Biocontrol: Predation also helps in biological
control in which members of
harmful species are regulated by the members of
useful Predator species Example
1) control of opuntia by Australian cochineal
2) control of mosquito larvae by gambusia fish
Competition occurs when an individuals attempt to
obtain a resource that is
inadequate to support all the individuals seeking
itor even if the resource is
adequate, individuals harm one another in trying to
obtain it.In this type of interaction both species are harmed.
Species A=(-)
Species B=(-)
The resources competed for can be divided into two
(1) Raw material such as light, inorganic nutrients,
and water in autotrophs and
organic food and water in heterotrophs.
(2) Space to grow,nest,hide from predators.
The competition may be:-
Intraspecific:-occuring between two or more members
of the same species of the population.
Interspecific:-occuring between two or more members
of different species of the
same trophic level. So both the interacting species
are harmed.
Gause's "Competition exclusion principle"
which states that :
“when two closely related species with similar
requirements occur in the
same environment,they use different food or become
active at different periods or occupy different niches to avoid competition,
otherwise,one of them will be eliminated as no two species can occupy exactly
the same
ecological niche”.
Amensalism is an antagonistic interspecific
interaction in which one species is
inhibited while other species is neither benefited
nor harmed.
Species A=(-) called Amensal
Species B=(0) called inhibitor.
Most common e.g of Amensalism is formation of
antibiotics that are antagonistic to the microbes e.g Penicillium notatum
releasing Penicillin to Inhibit the growth of variety of bacteria especially
Staphylococcus bacterium.
1.Amensalism is an association between two
species where
(a) one species is harmed and other is benefitted.
(b) one species is harmed and other is unaffected.
(c) one species is benefitted and other is unaffected
(d) both the species are harmed
2. Cuscuta is an example of
(a) Mutualism
(b) Commensalism
(c) Parasitism
(d) Competition
3.Which one of the following population
interactions is widely used in medical science for the production of
(a) Commensalism
(b) Parasitism
(c) Mutualism
(d) Amensalism
4. In which of the following interactions,
both partners are adversely affected?
(a) Competition
(c) Parasitism
(d) Mutualism
5. Parasitism can be represented by:
(a) Species A(-); Species B(-)
(b) Species A(+); Species B(0)
(c) Species A(-); Species B(0)
(d) Species A(+); Species B(-)
( B) True/False:-
1. Cuscuta is an example of brood parasitism.
2. In endoparasitism the parasities live outside the
body of the host.
3. Taeniasis is caused by Taenia
(C) Fill in the blanks:-
1. When two or more species compete for limited
resources,itis knownas__..
2. In parasitism the smaller partner which drives
food and shelter
from the body of larger partner is called__.
(A) Multiple Choice Type Question:-
1. (b) Explanation:- Amensalism is the association
in which one species is harmed and other is unaffected.
2. (c) Explanation:- Cuscuta is an example of
3. (d) Explanation:- Most common phenomenon of
amensalism is formation of antibiotics that are antagonistic to the microbes.
4. (a) Explanation:tn competition both the
interacting species are harmed.
5. (d) Explanation :- In parasitism the
parasite(Species A)is benefitted while the host (Species B) is harmed.
(B) True/False
1-False:-Brood Parasitism is found in member of
certain species of birds e.g Koel.
2- False:- In endoparasitism the parasites live
inside the body of the host. e.g Taenia, Ascaris etc.
3-True:- Taeniasis is caused by Taenia.
(c) Fill in the Blanks
1 - Interspecific competition
2 - Parasite
Q-1 State Gause’s Competitive Exclusion Principle.
Q-2 Define parasitism.Give one example.
Q-3 What is Brood parasitism? Give one example.
Q-1 Describe the negative interactions amongst
different species.
Q-2 Differentiate between:-
(a) Intraspecific and interspecific competition.
(b) Ectoparasitism and endoparasitism
1. How is diapause different from
Ans: Diapause is a period of suspended growth or
development occuring in many insects and other invertebrates during which
metabolic activities are greatly reduced.On the other hand, hibernation is a
sieep like state in which a few animals, such as fishes and amphibians, pass
the winter season as a way of surviving food scarcity and cold weather. While
diapause can occur anytime in the year, hibernation occurs only in winter
2. If a marine fish is placed in a fresh
water aquarium, will the fish be able to survive? Why or why not?
Ans: When a marine fish is placed in a fresh water
aquarium, the fish will not be able
to survive because marine fish is adapted to live in
saline seawater. In fresh water,
it will not be able to cope with the outside
hypotonic environment because of
osmoregulation problem. In fresh water, the
concentration of water, the difference
between the concentration of the water and inside of
the fish are increased and
therefore, the osmotic pressure is also
increased.The fish has to take more water
into the body to be able to survive and to get rid
of the excess salt present in its
3. Most living organisms cannot survive at
temperature above 45°C. How are some microbes able to live in habitats with
temperatures exceeding 100°C?
Ans: Micro-organisms of hot.springs and vents (mouth
of sea bed volcanoes) are able to survive at the high temperature due to
(i) occurrence of branched chain lipids in their
cell membrane that reduce fluidity of
cell membranes.
(ii) having minimum amount of free water in their
bodies. Removal of water provides
resistance to high temperature.
4. Last the attributes that populations but
not individuals possess.
Ans: Some significant attributes that populations
but not individual possess are — (i)Natality (ii) Mortality (iii) Growth forms
(iv) Population density (v) Population
dispersion (vi) Population age distribution (vii)
Sex ratio
5. If a population growing exponentially
double in size in 3 years, what is the intrinsic rate of increase (r) of the
6. Name important defence mechanisms in
plants against herbivory.
Ans: There are various defence measures for animals
against predators. But plants,
as they cannot move away, have certain defence
mechanisms against herbivory.
Their main defences are chemical toxins, such as
strychnine, a poison produced by
tropical vine, morphine by opium poppy, nicotine
produced by tobacco plant. Apart
from these chemicals, the common defence measure is
presence of spines (modified leaves) on the leaves, stems of the plant,
modifications of leaves into thorns, development of sharp silicated edges in
leaves which prevent them against damage caused by herbivores.
7. An orchid plant is growing on the branch
of mango tree. How do you describe this interaction between the orchid and the
mango tree?
Ans: An orchid plant is growing on the branch of a
mango tree is called epiphyte,
i.e., plants growing on other plants or trees. This
type of interaction is known as
commensalism, where in orchid / derives benefit of
interaction whereas mango tree
is not affected. The orchid growing on the branch of
mango tree get more light to
grow and also, the mango is not harmed in any way.
Commensalism can be defined as an interaction between two animal or plant
species that habitually live together in which one species benefits from the
association while the other is not
significantly affected.
8. What is the ecological principle behind
the biological control method of
managing with pest insects?
Ans: The ecological principle behind the biological
control method of managing with
pest insects is predator — prey relationship. It is
based on the ability of the predator
to regulate prey population.
9. Distinguish between the following: (a)
Hibernation and Aestivation
10. Write a short note on (a) Adaptations
of desert plants and animals (b) Adaptations of plants to water scarcity (c) Behavioural
adaptations in animals (d) Importance of light to plants (e) Effect of
temperature or water scarcity and the adaptations of animals.
Ans: (a) Desert plants have very small leaves or no
leaves at all, and carrying out photosynthesis through the stems. Their stem
could become succulent, and can store and retain water. Animals living in hot
climatic region tend to be smaller than those living in cold climates. This can
be explained by the fact that the amount of heat gained from the environment is
proportional to the body surface area. The majority
of animals living in desert are small, like, kangaroo rat. It feed on dry seeds
and other dry plant material and does not drink,
(b) The evergreen trees such as Rhododendron, show
water scarcity by an inward curling of the leaves. A more significant response
is the closure of stomata, which reduces transpiration, but raises the internal
temperature of die leaf affecting the rate of synthesis of proteins and
Deciduous trees of the temperature region drop their
leaves in autumn, avoiding winter drought.Some water stressed plant's
accumulate excessive amounts of inorganic ions.
(c)Migrating temporarily to a less stressful habitat
forms a more stressful habitat is a kind of behavioural adaptation in animals
which enables them to survive in better environmental conditions. Desert
lizards regulate their body temperature constant by behavioural means. They
bask in the sun and absorb heat when their body temperature decreases below the
optimum, but move into shady or underground places when the temperature of the
surrounding area starts
(d) Light affects plants through its quality,
intensity and duration. Duration of light affects phenology, photosynthesis,
growth, reproduction, flowering. Quality of light influences flowering,seed
germination and movements. Light is required for the production of chlorophyll
in chloroplasts. Plants germinated under insufficient illumination causes the
destruction of
(e) Animals mainly are of two types as they are
adapted to controlling their body temperature.Poikilothermous are the animals
whose temperature fluctuates with that of the environment, e.g.,invertebrates
and vertebrates, other than birds and animals. In contrast, homeotherms are the
animals which can maintain their body temperature at a constant level, e.g.,
birds and mammals.
11. List the various abiotic environmental
Ans: Abiotic factors are non living factors
and conditions of the environment which influence
survival, function and behaviour of
organisms. Various abiotic factors are :
(i) Temperature — Temperature is one of the most
important environmental factors. The average temperature varies seasonally. It
ranges from subzero level in polar areas and high altitudes to more than 50°C
in tropical deserts in summer and exceeds 100°C in thermal springs and deep-sea
hydrothermal vents.
(ii) Water — Next to temperature, water is the most
important factor which influences the life of organisms. The productivity and
distribution ofland plants are dependent upon availability of water.Animals are
adapted according to the water availability. E.g., aquatic animals are
ammonotelic while xerophytic animals excrete dry feces and concentrated urine.
(iii) Light — Plants produce food through
photosynthesis for which sunlight is essential source of energy. Light
intensity, light duration and light quality influences the number of life
processes in organisms, such as — photosynthesis, growth, trans-piration,
germination, pigmentation,
movement and photoperiodism.
(iv) Humidity — Humidity refers to the moisture
(water vapour) content of the air. It determines the formation of clouds, dew
and fog. It affects the land organisms by regulating the loss of water as
vapour from their bodies through evaporation, perspiration and transpiration.
(v) Precipitation —Precipitation means rainfall, snow, sleet or dew. Total
annual rainfall, seasonal distribution humidity of the air and amount of water
retained in the soil are the main criteria that limit the distribution of
plants and animals on land.
{vi) Soil — The soil is one of the most important
ecological factor called the edaphic factor. It comprises of different layers
called horizons. The upper weathered humus containing part of soil sustains
terrestrial plant life.
12. Give an example for:
(a) An endothermic animal
(b) An ectothermic animal
(c)An organism of the benthic zone
Ans: (a) Man, (Homo sapiens) (b) Black bear (c)
13. Define population and community.
Ans: Population can be defined as the total number
of individuals of a species or any other class of an organism in a defined area
or habitat or a group of individuals of the same species within a commnity.
Community can be defined as a naturally octurring assemblage of species living
within a defined area or habitat.
14. Define the following terms and give one
example for each: (a) Commensalism (b)
Parasitism (c) Camouflage (d)Mutualism (e)
Interspecific competition
Ans: (a) Commensalism is the association between
organisms of different species in which one species benefits but does not
apparent harm to the other. For example, in the large intestine of human being,
bacteria Escherichia coli are present which helps in digestion.
(b) Parasitism is an association in which one
organism lives on or in the body of another, from which it obtains its food.
For example, the parasites of humans include fleas and lice, various bacteria,
protozoans and fungi.
(c) Camouflage is a high degree of similarity
between an animal and its visual environment, which enables it be disguished or
concealed. For example, birds with necks and heads of contrasting colours are
not easily recognised by their enemies under certain conditions.
(d) Mutualism is an association between two organisms
of different species in which each partner benefits. For example, the cross
fertilization or pollination of plant flowers by insects (sometimes by birds)
is a mutual relation of wide occurrence and great importance, because many
plants are
self- sterile.
(e) Inter-specific competition can be defined as an
interaction occurs between different species that share some environmental
resource when this is in short supply. Inter-specific competition often results
in the dominance of one species over another. For example, when two species of
Paramoecium,Paramoecium caudatum and P.aurelia are
confined in a closed containers with fixed amount of food, out of them one
species always died out.
15. With the help of suitable diagram
describe the . ; logistic population growth curve.
Ans: The S-shaped growth curve is also called a
logistic growth curve. It describes a situation in which (in a new
environmental condition) the population density of an organism increases slowly
establishing itself then increasing rapidly, approaching an exponential growth
rate. Later, when the
resources become limited, growth slows and
eventually stops.Many population of micro-
organisms broadly follow this basic sigmoidal
pattern. For example, when a fresh culture medium is inoculated with bacteria,
sigmoidal or S-shaped growth curve is observed. The S-shaped curve is generated
when a population approaches the environmental’s carrying capacity.Carrying
capacity is the maximum number of individuals of a population that can be supported
in a given time.
16. Select the statement which explains
best parasitism.
(a) One organism is benefited.
(b) Both the organisms are benefited.
(c) One organism is benefited,
other is not affected.
(d) One organism is benefited, other is affected.
Ans:(d) One organism is benefited, other is
17.List any three important characteristics
of a population and explain.
Ans: The three important characteristics of a
population are:
(a) Density: The number of individuals per unit area
or volume. For example, the number of frogs per meter cube of forest region.
(b) Natality or Birth rate: The birth rate is
determined by the number of individuals born to a given population during a
given period of time.
(c) Mortality or Death rate: The death rate or
mortality represents a decrease in a given population during a given period of
time. Generally, the death of individuals in a population are expressed by
specific mortality which is described as the mortality population are expressed
by specific mortality which is described as the mortality for given age group.
Ecology is the branch of biology that deals with the
interactions among organisms
and between the organism and its physical (abiotic)
environment. Study of
ecology is important to strike a balance between
development and maintenance
of natural environmental and biotic communities, use
and conservation of
resources, solve local, regional and global
environmental problems.It is basically concerned with four levels of biological
organization —organisms, populations, communities, and biomes.
Ecological hierarchy or ecological level of
organization connected with ecological
grouping of organisms.
Ecological factors are environmental variables that
impact organisms and contribute to their characteristic modes of behavior.
These factors cause dynamic
changes in a population or species in a particular
geographical region.
Major Abiotic Factors are:
a) Temperature- is the most important ecological
factor to determine the bio-mass
of a place. Average temperature on land varies
seasonally and decreases progressively from the equator towards the poles and
from plains to mountain tops.Temperature affects the kinetics of enzymes and
basal metabolism along with physiological functions of the organisms.
The organisms that can tolerate wide range of
temperature are called eurythermal, for example cat, dogs, tigers etc.
The organisms which have the ability to tolerate
only a narrow range of temperature are called stenothermal, for example
Penguin, fishes, and crocodile.etc.
b) Water- life on earth is unsustainable without
water. Productivity and distribution
of plants is heavily dependent on water. For aquatic
organisms the quality (chemical composition, pH) of water becomes important.
The salt concentration (measured as salinity in parts per thousand), is less
than 5 in inland waters, 30-35 in the sea and > 100 in some hypersaline
The organisms that can tolerate wide range of
salinities are called euryhaline,for example salmon, herring etc.
The organisms which have the ability to tolerate
only a narrow range of salinities are called stenohaline, for example goldfish
(fresnwater) and haddock (marine water) etc.
c) Light- plants produce food through photosynthesis
in presence of sunlight.
Some plants are adapted to low light conditions
because they are overshadowed
by tall canopied trees. Flowering in some plants
occurs only in presence of critical
day light called Photoperiodism. The availability of
lignt and land is closely linked that of temperature as the sun is the source
of both. UV component of sunlight is
harmful to plants and animals.
d) Soil: Types of soil depends upon climate,
weathering process, whether soil is
transported or sedimentary and how soil development
occurred. Soil composition,
grain size and aggregation determine the percolation
and water holding capacity of
the soils along with pH, mineral, composition and
topography determine the vegetation in any area.
Responses to Abiotic Factor: In the course of
evolution, many species have evolved constant internal environment to permits
all biochemical reactions and physiological functions to work with maximum
efficiency to have over all fitness of species. Organisms try to maintain the
constancy of its internal environment (homeostasis) in spite of varying
external environment.There are various ways to establish homeostasis-
Regulate- all birds and animals are capable of
maintaining homeostasis by physiological means which ensures constant body
temperature, constant osmotic concentration etc. Thermoregulation and
osmoregulation are the source of success of mammals in all the environmental
conditions. In summer, when
outside temperature is more than our body
temperature, we sweat often, resulting
evaporative cooling, which brings down the body
temperature. In winter we start
to shiver, a kind of exercise which produces heat
and raises the body temperature.
Conform- Most of animals and plants, their body
temperature change with ambient temperature. In aquatic animals, osmotic
concentration of the body fluid change with that of the ambient water osmotic
concentration. These animals are called conformer. Conformers are not able to
bear the energetic expenses to maintain the constant body temperature. Heat
loss or heat gain is a function of surface area. Since small animals have a
larger surface area relative to their volume, they tend to lose body heat very
fast when it is cold outside; then they have to expend much energy to generate
body heat through metabolism.
Migrate- The organisms move away for time being from
the stressful unfavorable habitat to more suitable habitat and return back when
stressful period is over. Many birds undertake long-distance to migrate to more
hospitable areas.Siberia birds migrate to Keolado National Park, Bharatpur,
Suspend- In microorganisms like bacteria, fungi and
lower plants thick-walled
spores are formed which help them to survive
unfavorable conditions. These spores germinate on return of suitable conditions.
In higher plants, seeds and some other vegetative reproductive structures
serves the means to tide over periods of stress and help them in dispersal
also. The metabolic activities are reduced to minimum during this dormant
a) Hibernation — the condition or
period of an animal or plant spending the winter in
a dormant state e.g., bear
Aestivation — the condition or period of an animal
or plant spending the summer to avoid heat and desiccation in a dormant state
e.g., snails.
Diapause- A stage of suspended development in
zooplankton species in
lakes and ponds.
“Adaptation” is the attribute of organism
morphological, physiological and behavioral changes that enables the organism
to survive and reproduce in its habitat.
Kangaroo rat in North American deserts fulfills the
water requirement by
internal oxidation of fat in absence of water. It
also has the ability to concentrate its urine so that minimal volume of water
is used to remove excretory products.
Thick cuticle in many plants also prevents loss of
water. CAM plants open their stomata during night to reduce the loss of water
during photosynthesis.
Mammals from colder climates have shorter ears and
limbs to minimize heat loss. This is called Allen's Rule.- In polar seas
aquatic mammals like seals have a thick layer of fat called blubber, below
their skin that acts as an insulator.
Altitude sickness is observed at higher altitude
that includes symptoms like nausea, fatigue, heart palpitations due to less
oxygen and atmospheric pressure. The person gradually gets acclimatized and
stops experiencing altitude sickness. This is type of physiological adaptation.
Anumber of marine invertebrate and fish live in
temperature always less than zero and some lives in great depth in ocean where
pressure is very high by array of biochemical adaptations.Some organisms like
desert lizard lack the physiological ability that mammals have but deal with
high temperature of
their habitat by behavioral means. They bask in the
sun and absorb heat and when their body temperature drops below the comfort
zone, but moves in shade when the ambient temperature starts increasing.
Major Biotic Factors
Any of the living organisms that make up, build, and
shape the environment are
called Biotic Factors. These are the important and
major parts of the ecosystem.
Biotic Factors comprise living organisms that depend
on others for survival such
as animals, plants, and microorganisms.
Population and its attributes Populations:
Individuals of any species live in groups in well-defined geographical area,
share or compete for similar resources, potentially interbreed and constitute a
Population Attributes: A population has certain
attributes that an individual
organism does not such as an individual may have births
and deaths, but a population has birth rates and death rates.
The birth and death rates: are referred as per
capita births or deaths respectively, which is increase and decrease with
respect to members of the population.
Sex ratio: is another attribute of population. An
individual may be male or
female but population has sex ratio.
Age distribution: A population at given time
composed of different individual of
different ages. If the age distribution is plotted
for the population, the resulting
structure is called age pyramids. The shape of
pyramids reflects the shape of growth status of population. Which may be
(i) Expanding
(ii) Stable
(iii) Declining
Population size or population density (N) is
measured in terms of number but it may sometime not appropriate.
Population Growth: The size of population is not
static. It keeps changing with time, depending upon food availability,
predation pressure and reduces weather. The main factors that determine the
population growth are-
Natality (number of births during a given period in
the population)
Mortality (number of deaths during a given period in
the population)
Immigration (individual of same species that have
come into the habitat)
Emigration (individual of population that have left
the habitat)
If ‘N’ is the population density at a time't’, then
its density at time t+1 is
Nt+1Nt+[(B +1)-(D+E)]Population density will
increase if the number of births plus the number of immigrants (B + |) is more
than the number of deaths plus the number of
emigrants (D + E), otherwise it will decrease.
Growth models or curves
Growth of population takes place according to
availability of food, habit condition
and presence of other biotic and abiotic factors.
There are two main types of
i. Exponential Growth- in this kind of growth occurs
when food and space is
available in sufficient amount. When resources in
the habitat are unlimited,
each species has the ability to realize fully its
innate potential to grow in number.
The population grows in an exponential or geometric
fashion. If in a population of
size N, the birth rates as represented as ‘b’ and
death rate as ‘d’. Then increase
and decrease in N during unit period time ‘t’ will
Let (b —d) =r, then
dN / dt =rN
Then, the rin this equation is called ‘intrinsic
rate of natural increase’.
ii. Logistic Growth- there is a competition between
the individuals of a
population for food and space. The fittest organism
survives and reproduces. In
this types of growth initially snows a leg phase
followed by phases of acceleration
and de-acceleration.
dN/dt =rN (4)
Where N = Population density at time t
R = Intrinsic rate of natural increase
K = Carrying capacity
Since resources for growth for populations are
finite and become limiting,
the logistic growth model is considered a more
realistic one.
All animals, plants and microbes in a biological
community interact with each
other. These interactions may be beneficial,
detrimental or neutral to one of
species or both. Following types of interaction is
a. Predation
b. Competition
c. Parasitism
d. Commensalism
e. Mutualism
f. Amensalism
a) Predation: It is an Interspecific Interaction
where one animal kills and
consumes the other weaker animal.
Roles of Predators
Transfer energy from plants to higher trophic levels
(position of organism in food chain)
Control Prey population — Prickly pear cactus- moth
Biological control of Agricultural pest Maintain species diversity by reducing
intensity of competition among competing prey species Over exploitation of prey
by the predators results in extinction of prey and predator.
Defense to lessen impact of predation
a) Insects and frog — camouflage
b) Monarch butterfly — poisonous
b) Competition: Interaction either among individuals
of same species or between
individuals of different species occurs among
closely related species but not always true
1. Unrelated species also compete- flamingo &
fish compete for Zooplankton
2. Feeding efficiency of a species reduce due to
other species even if resources are plenty Abingdon tortoise.Evidence for
Competitive release species distribution restricted
to small areas due to
competitively superior species.
c) Parasitism: It is the interaction where one
species (parasite) depends on the
other species (host) for food and shelter, host is
Parasites and host self-evolve.
- Adaptations of parasites
1. Loss of unnecessary sense organs
2. Hooks and sucker
3. Loss of digestive system
4. High Reproductive capacity
(i) Reduce the survival of host
(ii) Growth and reproductive rate are reduced
(iii) Render the host vulnerable to its predators by
making them weak
Types of parasites:
Ectoparasites— depend on external surface of host
Example — head lice on humans, ticks on dogs
Endoparasites— take shelter within the body of the
host organism
Example — Liver fluke, Plasmodium
d) Commensalism: Commensalism is the term used to
describe a relationship
between individuals of two species. In this one
species obtains food or other may
get benefits from the first species without either
harming or benefiting the latter.
For example: Epiphytic plants.
e) Mutualism: It is interaction in which both the
interacting species are benefited
1. Lichen — fungi and algae
2. Mycorrhizae — fungi and roots of higher plants
3. Pollination of plants by insects
4. Mediterranean orchid- sexual deceit for
pollination- appears as female bee
f) Amensalism: Interaction between two different
species, in which one
species is harmed and the other species is neither
harmed nor benefited. Example. Bacterial culture, after few days, fungus growth
will be there on it like Penicillium, and its secretions of chemical will kill
bacteria, but no benefits to fungi.
(a) Multiple choice questions:
1. Exponential growth occurs when there is
(a) a great environmental resistance
(b) no environmental resistance
(c) no biotic potential
(d) a fixed carrying capacity
2. ACszplant is one that is able to grow
(a) In all climates
(b) In arid climates
(c) In wet climates
(d) In moderate climates
3. Winter sleep is also called as
(a) Hibernation
(b) Suspend
(c) Migrate
(d) Aestivation
4. Whatis a biological interaction between
organisms of different species in which each individual receives benefit known?
(a) Parasitism
(b) Competition
(C) Commensalism
(d) Mutualism
5. Astage of suspended development is
(a) Diapause
(b) Suspend
(c) Migrate
(d) Retardation
6. The interaction where one species is
benefitted and the other is neither benefitted nor harmed is called
(a) Amensalism
(b) commensalism
(c) Mutualism
(d) None of the above
7. The interdependent evolution of
flowering plants and pollinating insects together is known as
(a) Mutualism
(b) Co-evolution
(c) Commensalism
(d) Co-operation
8. Penicillium notatum, a mould, produces
an antibiotic, penicillin, which inhibits the growth of many bacteria and
apparently does not get gain by their death. This is an example of
(a) Commensalism
(b) Competition
(c) Parasitism
(d) Amensalism
9. Cuscuta is an example of
(a) Ectoparasitism
(b) Brood parasitism
(c) Predation
(d) Endoparasitism
10. ‘When two species of Paramecium (P.
caudatum and P. aurelia) are kept together, one is eliminated’, this is a case
(a) Adaptation
(b) Amensalism
(c) Competition
(d) Protocooperation
(b) Fillin the blanks:
a) Community refers to groups of organisms belonging
to several different -------------- that live together in same area or habitat
and interact.
b) The phenomenon of spending cold period in an
inactive stage by an animal is called —-—-
c) Mutualism is an interspecific interaction between
individuals of two species where both
the interacting species are ---—---------—---in an obligatory
d) Ocimum sanctum checks the growth of plants near
it which is an example of the
phenomenon ----—-------------.
(e) --—------------—---- is the interaction between
two species, one of which captures, kills and eats up the other
(i). Write one common feature among predation,
parasitism and amensalism.
(ii). Define natality.
(iii). How do spines help the cactus plants survive
in the desert?
1. Describe the different kinds of interactions that
take place between different species.
a) Multiple choice questions
1. (b) No environmental resistance: When resources
are limited, populations
exhibit logistic growth. In logistic growth,
population expansion decreases as
resources become scarce. It levels off when the
carrying capacity of the environment is reached, resulting in an S-shaped
2. (c) In wet climates: C3 plants are the most
common and the most efficient
at photosynthesis in cool, wet climates.
3. (a) Hibernation: Hibernation is a way of coping
to cold winters, without having
to forage for food. It's also known as winter sleep.
4. (d) Mutualism is a long-term, close association
between two species in which
both partners benefit.
5. (a) Diapause: Under unfavourable conditions, many
zooplankton (free floating
aquatic microbes) species in lakes and ponds are
known to enter diapause, a stage of suspended development.
6. (b) Commensalism is a class of relationships
between two organisms where one
organism benefits from the other without affecting
7. (b) Co-evolution:The evolution of complementary
adaptations in two species
caused by the selection pressures that each exerts
on the other is called co-evolution.
8. (d) Commensalism: It is defined as in which
members of one species gain benefits while the second species neither gets
benefited nor gets harmed.
9. (a) Ectoparasite: Cuscuta is a total snoot
parasite of many plants lives on body of
plant, so it is a ectoparasite (a parasite that
lives on the surface of a host organism).
10. (c) Competition: Microbial population competes
for any growth-limiting resources such as carbon source, nitrogen source,
phosphorus, vitamins,growth factors etc.
a) Species: An ecological community consists of all
the populations of all the
different species that live together in a particular
b) Hibernation: Hibernation is a way animals
conserve energy to survive adverse weather conditions or lack of food.
c) Benefitted: Mutualism is a long-term, close
association between two species in which both partners benefit.
d) Amensalism: In this type of interaction, when one
population finds itself in
danger the other population is not majorly affected.
e) Predation: in animal_behaviour, the pursuit,
capture, and killing of animals
for food. Predatory animals may be solitary hunters,
like the leopard, or they may be group hunters, like wolves.
Chapter 13 Organisms and Populations