Saturday, 27 August 2022

Chapter 8th (Image Editing and File Conversion Tools)





In present time, we capture lots of images using mobile & digital camera and often we need to edit them by resizing (increasing or decreasing the dimensions), colour correction,

adjusting the brightness and contrast levels, crop, rotate, flip to make a better image. This whole process of making changes & corrections is known as image editing or retouching. To

achieve this, we use special software in computer known as Image Editing Software. This software enables us to produce images of Professional Quality.



For image editing, several softwares are available in market. By using these softwares, we can easily edit images. Some popular softwares are:

Adobe Photoshop

Corel Draw Graphics Suite

MS Office Picture Manager

GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)


All above mentioned softwares are similar in nature, if we learn one of these then with little effort we can learn any other image editing software.


Adobe Photoshop is very popular image editing software and is widely used as compared to other image editing softwares but it's not free, we need to purchase it. Adobe Company offers different plans of monthly or yearly subscription.


8.2.1 GIMP (GNU Image Manipulation Program)

This is very popular free software for image editing. We can download it freely from and then we can install it on our computer system.


8.2.L.1 ; GIMP Features:

1, It can be used as simple Paint


2. It can be used as professional

software for image editing.

3. A scripting language can be used in

it, te accomplish complex tasks.

4. It can be used as image convertor and format of image can also be changed.

5. It can open multiple images at one time.

6. It is cross platform (Windows/Linux/Mac) software means it can be installed and used on different operating systems.

7. It is open source software. : GIMP supports these popular image formats:

1, _.gif (Graphics Interchange Format)


2. pug (Portable Network Graphics)


3. __ .tif (Tagged Image File Format)


4, jpeg (Joint Photographic Expert Group)


5. .psd (Photoshop Document)


6. .bmp @itmap Picture)


7. _ .xcf ( eXperimental Computing Facility) GIMP Preferences : In GIMP we can change all settings as per our requirements like System Resources, Image Import & Export, Tools Options, Interface (Icon, Theme, Toolbox),

Image Windows & Folders.



8.3.1 Creating a new image

For creating a new image, click File > New or use shortcut key CTRL+N.

"Create a New Image" dialog box like shown in Figure 8.4 will open, in which values for width and height can be entered.For more advanced settings, click on Advanced options.Note ; Canvas is that important area of Window where new image or open image is displayed and can be edited.


8.3.2 Opening an image for editing

To open an existing image, click on File > Open or use shortcut key CTRL+O or double click in working area of main interface of GIMP.An open dialog box will appear. Select the image to edit and click open.

It is recommended to create a duplicate copy of the original image before editing to avoid unwanted changes to the original image. For creating duplicate image, click Image > Duplicate or use shortcut CTRL+D key.


8.3.3 Saving an image

After editing an image, it can be saved by clicking File > Save or use shortcut key CTRL+S.Whenever image is to be saved with new name, click File > Save As or use shortcut key CTRL+SHIFT+S.


Save Image Dialog box gives us option to choose location to save our image and also provides us facility to create a new folder as well.GIMP uses its default file extension .xcf to save an image.


8.3.4 Export As

GIMP provides the facility "Export As” to save images into different file formats. If image is to be saved in other formats like jpg, png, gif, tif etc. then use File > Export As or use

shortcut key SHIFT+CTRL+E.To choose different file formats click on "Select File Type" and GIMP will show us

different file formats. We can select the desired file format to save image in that particular format.


8.3.5 Image Properties

It is essential that user must be aware of image properties before editing an image. To view image properties, click on Image> Properties or use shortcut key ALT+ENTER. Image properties

like size in pixels, print size, resolution, file name, location, file size, file type etc, are shown in

image properties dialog window (Fig. 8.8).


8.3.6 Auto Correct

Auto correct means, to automatically

correct an image, GIMP will try to change colour settings of an image automatically. To use this feature on menu bar, click Colors >Auto. There are few options available further

which can be changed as per need.


Eqnalize : This will make brightness level of every pixel equal.


White Balance : This command is useful for images in which white or black color is not displayed correctly.


Stretch Contrast : This command further increases the brightness of brighter colors and it makes the darker colors more darker. This will also remove any tint present in an



Note : Tint means to mix white color in any color.


Color Enhance : This command corrects colors by enhancing color intensity

which leads to better looking image.


8.3.7 Brightness and Contrast

Click Colors> Brightness-Contrast to

adjust the brightness and contrast of the image It is a simple tool that handles bright and dark colors alike while advanced versions of this tool are "Levels and Curves" that handle bright and dark colors separately, which can finely enhance the look of the picture.


On image with holding down left mouse

button and dragging it from top to bottom (vertically) brightness can be increased and doing the same from left to right (Horizontal)vertices of the image, can increase contrast.To apply these settings, press the Enter key on the keyboard.Sliders can also be used to decrease or increase brightness and contrast. The previously used settings in the Presets option are automatically saved which we can reuse later.


8.3.8 Crop Settings

Cropping a picture means cutting off unnecessary sections of the image from the corners.To use this tool, click on Tools > Transform Tools > Crop or click on the crop tool icon from the toolbox or use shortcut key SHIFT + C.


A box will appear on the picture, its four corners can be used to reduce or increase the cropping area.


After setting the correct area, press the Enter key from the keyboard. Image will be cropped.


8.3.9 Rotate and Flip Settings

Rotate tool, is used to rotate a picture at a certain angle.To use it, click on Tools> Transform Tools > Rotate or click on the Rotate tool icon in the toolbox to select this tool then click on the picture or use SHIFT + R.


Use the slider to rotate the image or we can even enter the angle value directly.


If we want to change the position of the image we can enter the value in Center X and Center Y. In the end, click the Rotate button. (see fig 8.14)


Click the Reset button to undo the changes.


8.3.10 Flip

The flip means changing the side of the picture. This tool can flip the image vertically or horizontally, or both. To use it, click on Tools > Transform Tools > Flip or click the icon of flip tool in the toolbox to select this tool then click on the picture to flip.


8.3.11 Resize

Sometimes we need to change the size of the image, i.e. to increase or decrease the Width or Height of the image. Changing the image dimensions is called resizing. Click on Image >Scale Image to resize the image.


Adjust Width and Height of image with any unit such as px, percentage, centimetres,metres, inches, feet etc.


8.3.12 Aspect Ratio (Resolution)

This means proportional relationships such as 1:1, 4:3, 16:9, etc. of the image's width and height. Generally GIMP resizes the image as per Aspect Ratio of the image itself, meaning that

if we change the height, the width will automatically change and if we change the width, the value of the height will change automatically. Aspect Ratio has to be unlocked if we want to set

both of these values independently. So click on the chain icon so that it appears in two sections.Clicking on this icon again will lock the picture's Aspect ratio setting.


Interpolation : GIMP resizes images using pixel based technique. Let's learn about its types:


Linear : With this resize technique the pixel color is set to the nearest 4-pixel average color. Sometimes this technique is also called BiLinear. This technique can be used to quickly resize an image and the quality does not deteriorate much while


Cubic : With this resizing technique the pixel color is set to the nearest 8-pixel average color. Sometimes this technique is also called BiCubic. This technique takes a bit longer to resize the image and improves the quality of the resized image.Usually this technique is used to resize the picture.


NoHalo : We can also try this technique if we want to enlarge the normal picture at higher resolution.


LoHalo : If text or text-like objects are present in the picture, this technique will produce better results.


8.3.13 Compression Settings

If the image has taken up too much space on the hard disk, we can compress the picture.

 Compressing a picture does not mean changing its dimensions. During resizing the width  and 

height of the image will be reduced or enlarged while compressing the image will decrease its

size (hard disk space) or altering the quality of an image.


If we want to use the image for a web site, we should reduce its size on disk so that web page gets loaded easily duc to its small size. But it should be taken care that the quality of

image is not destroyed. For this, use Export As and set the size and quality of the image as needed using Quality Slider.


Click File > Export As to compress the image Click on the "Select File Type" (Extension) option to compress the image in a particular format and select the Format / Extension and click on the Export button. (fig 8.17)


Depending on the selected format, GIMP will display a separate dialog box such as JPG (fig 8.18) or PNG (fig 8.19):


Use the Quality or Compression level slider to compress the image or enter a
 direct value and click on the Export Button.



Layers mean Stack of Slides. Layers are groups of sheets that look out over one another.The picture can consist of more than one layer and the number of Maximum Layers depends on the memory available in the computer. If the computer is powerful and has a lot of memory, there may be as many layers as we want in one picture. Hach Layer can

be edited separately from the rest of the Layers. Layers are set on top of each other and the bottom layer is the background of the image. Layers can be easily set to be on the foreground or back of the other layers. Layers can also be grouped as needed.


Layers are managed by the Layers Dialog Box. The Duplicate Layer Tool helps to create duplicate copies of Active layers.


8.4.1 Layer Properties Each layer has some important properties such as:

Name : Each layer has a name. It can be

customized by double click or right click.


(ii)Presence or absence of alpha channel : The alpha channel confirms how transparent the layer is to each pixel. White completely reflects opacity. Black fully demonstrates

transparency. Grey level represents partial transparencies.


(i) Layer Type : Layer type depends on the presence or absence of Image Type and alpha channels.RGB e RGBA e Gray

GrayA ° Indexed ° IndexedA


(iv) ‘Filter Menn : The filters in the Filter Menu only support few layer types. If we want to apply a filter but that filter is disabled, it means it cannot be selected then the type of the layer needs to be changed to use that filter.


(v) ‘Visibility : We can tum the layer's visibility on / off for the image to work properly.Changing this setting means only to toggle the setting by which the layer is hidden

and not deleted. Visibility settings can be changed by clicking on the eye icon in the Layers dialog box. If Shift + Click is used, visibility setting of all the layers except the Active Layer can be turned off.


(vi) Active Layer : The layer that is being worked on is called Active Layer. Usually the layer is activated by clicking on it. If there are multiple layers, it becomes difficult for us to know which element belongs to which layer. So if that part of the

picture is clicked by ALT + Mouse-Wheel-Button-Pressed, the corresponding layer in the Layers dialog box is automatically selected.


(vd) Opacity : With this setting we can set the value of the opacity. It can be set from 0 to 100 scales. 0 means that the layers below this layer will be fully visible. 100 means that this layer will not be transparent at all and the layers below it will not be visible at all,


8.4.2 Adding Layer

There are several ways to add a layer.

Right click on the opened image, and then click on the Layer Menu, We can add a new layer by choose any one of the following options that appear in the submenu:

New Layer

New from Visible

Duplicate Layer


We can also create a new Layer with paste option (CTRL + V or Edit Menu > Paste options) after using Cut/Copy a layer.


8.4.3 Deleting Layer

Right click on the layer to delete and click on "Delete Layer", Another way is to drag and drop the layer that we want to delete in the X icon in Layer Dialog Box (See Figure 8.20), the layer will be deleted.


8.4.4 Merge Layers

Merge layers means making a single layer from multiple layers. To do so use the CTRL+M shortcut key or click on the Image Menu > Merge Visible Layers option.Flatten Image option in Image Menu also merges all layers after removing Transparency.


Layer Merge Options:

Expanded as necessary : Sometimes a layer may be larger than the size of the picture so this option will increase the size of the image according to the larger layer.


Clipped to image : Sometimes a layer may be larger than the size of the picture so this option will cut the larger layer according to the size of the picture.


Clipped to bottom layer : This option clips and trims the remaining layers according to the size of the Bottom Layer.


8.4.5 Scaling a Layer

Scaling means changing the size of the layer. So use the Layer Menu > Scale Layer option.Layer can be scaled by entering Width and Height values as needed.The Cubic (Quality > Interpolation) method is used to get the best results,



GIMP provides many tools for working on images that can be used to perform

different tasks on images. If the mouse pointer (arrow) is held over a tool's icon for 2 seconds, the tool name, what the tool is used for, and the shortcut key will be displayed in tooltip. Let's learn some tools:


Selection Tools : These tools are used to select part of the active layer. Each selection tool has its own set of features.They can also be selected from the Tool Box.


Rectangle Select : This tool is used to select the part of the layer in the rectangular shape.


Ellipse Select : This tool is used to select the part of the layer in the elliptical shape.


Free Selection : This tool is also known as lasso tool. This tool allows us to select a drawing note with a free hand. It is used to select part of the image by drawing a picture with the help of a mouse pointer,


Fuzzy Select : This tool is also known as the Magic Wand tool. With this tool, the area is selected on the basis of “Similarity of color". Usually the selections made with this tool are continuous, i.e. connected parts.


By Color Select : This tool works similarly to the Fuzzy (Magic Wand) tool, but any part of the picture that matches the color similarity is selected.


Intelligent Scissors : This tool is used for automatic selection where there is a contrast of color which means the two parts are clearly separated. Clicking the mouse creates the Selection Nodes on the edges of the area we want to select.


Eraser Tool : This tool is used to

delete the area of the active layer. If the image has no alpha channel then this tool will erase the area with background color If the image

has an alpha channel then this tool will erase the area with transparent color and no color will be used.


Text Tool : This tool is used for

writing text on pictures. Use the Tools > Text command to access this tool. This tool can also be activated by clicking on the symbol A in the tool box.


When this tool is activated, a toolbar will appear which allows us to use Bold, Italic,Underline, Strikethrough options.


To change the font, delete the font in the box and start typing the name of the font we want to select, GIMP will start showing the installed fonts in the computer through the Dropdown list from which we can select the font.


Use CTRL + A to select all the text. The color box can be used to change the color of the text. By Right clicking on text, we can change the orientation of the text from given options.


(iv) Move Tool : This tool is used to

move the selections, i.e. textures, layers etc.To use this tool, use the Tools > TransformTools > Move command or click on the Move tool icon in the Tool Box.


If a layer is selected and we just want to move that selection, use CTRL + ALT + Mouse Drag. The selected area will be moved and the lower layer portion will appear instead,


(v) Align Tool : This tool is used to align layers with image objects. To access this tool use the Tools > Transform Tools > Align command or click on the Align tool icon in the Tool Box.For example, open a picture and make a duplicate layer from the Layer Box (right click of the

layer> Duplicate Layer) and move it slightly and left click on this duplicate layer. Now select

the Align tool. At the bottom left of the toolbox, we will see some alignment tool options, click on any one we need and we will get duplicate layer alignment.


(va) Scale Tool : This tool is used to scale layers & objects. Use Tools > Transform Tools >Scale command or SHIFT + S to use this tool.


Use File > Open As Layers, to open another image as layer and it will open a new image as layer. Activate the Scale tool, we will see a dialog box. We can scale the layer with the

mouse, to scale in Aspect Ratio hold down the Shift button.


(vii) Blur / Sharpen Tool : This tool is used to blur or sharpen any part or object of a picture. This tool uses a brush. This tool enhances effect when repeatedly used in one place.The CTRL key is used to toggle between Blur and Sharpen.


Use the Tools > Paint Tools > Blur / Sharpen command to select this tool.

If any part or object is looking too strong, use Blur to soften it. If we need to sharpen (increasing contrast) a part or object, use Sharpen option.

 (vidi) Bucket Fill Tool : This tool fills the foreground color in the selected area,if CTRL + Click is used then the tool will fill the background color.Using the ALT key will toggle the

foreground and background colors in this tool. Using the Shift key will fill in the selected color all at once.

Use the Tools > Paint Tools > Bucket

Fill command to select this tool.



Masking or mask means a new separate layer that is created for another layer so that the opacity(transparency) of that layer can be set. By using

layers, Masks hide some part of the main layer that we want to edit. So the editing that will be done after

applying the mask will be applicable on only that part of the main layer that is set by the mask.


Layer masks are different from opacity sliders/settings.They allow us to work on different parts of the picture layer, i.¢. the optional parts. Using a mask does not damage the main layer, when we make changes.


8.6.1 Adding Layer Mask

It's very easy to add a layer mask, Right click on the layer in the Layer box, now click on the option of

Add Layer Mask from the menu.



There are several formats of pictures such as jpg, .png, .gif, tif etc. Each format has its own specific properties and we can use these formats as needed. Different Softwares can be used to convert one image format to another, or we can convert pictures from one format to another using specific websites available on the Internet. Generally, we can change the format using the Save As option. After changing the format, the appearance of the image does not only vary but its properties also change. Some formats are good for using pictures on the Intemet,some for painting pictures, some for viewing on computers or electronic devices or some for printing. In GIMP software, we can also change the format of the pictures.

Some of the more popular free image converter softwares are:

1, FastStone Image Viewer

2, FastStone Batch Resizer

3. Irfan View

4. XnConvert



1. Changes and modifications made as needed in an image are called image editing or retouching.


2. Adobe Photoshop, Corel PaintShop Pro, MS Office Picture Manager and GIMP are popular softwares for image editing.


3. GIMP's full name is the GNU Image Manipulation Program.


4. Use CTRL +N or File > New to create a new picture.


5. Double click with the mouse on the image window or use CTRL + O or File > Open to open the image.


6. Todo image editing, always create a Duplicate Image / Copy so that the original image does not change.


7, Cropping an image means eliminating unnecessary sections at comers.


8. Use CTRL + Z to undo and CTRL + Y shortcut keys to redo.


9. Exporting a picture means saving the image in another format, while the Save or Save As option saves the image in a Native format only.


10. Having a resolution of 300 ppi (pixel per inch) gives the picture a good quality print.


11. GIMP saves the image in its original xcf format.


12. Usually the .jpeg (Joint Photographic Expert Group) format is used for an image which is popular and widely used in the world.


13. The quality of the image decreases when it is scaled.


Part-A (Questions carrying 1 Mark each)

1. Multiple Choice Questions:


1 tool allows us to select a drawing with a free hand.

a Fuzzy Selection

b. Lasso

c. Text

d. Bucket Fill


2 SHIFT + C is a shortcut for .

a. To Create Duplicate Image

b. To Delete Layer

c. To Copy of an image

d. To Crop an Image


3. Scale option is used to change the of an image.

a, Color

b. Size

c. Area

d. All of the above


4. _____ sis: known ass group of sheets looking at each other.

a. Masking

b. = Tools

c, Layers

d. None of the above


5. helps to make a duplicate copy of the active layer

a. Smudge Tool

b. Dodge Tool

c. Perspective Tool

d. Duplicate Layer


2. Fill in the blanks:

1. To resize the layer tool is used.

2 To move the layers tool is used.

3. Teo remove objects from Canvas tool is used.

4. The quality of the picture decreases when the picture is ,

5. An important part of the Image Window is ___.___———ss Where the picture is



Part-B (Questions carrying 3 marks)

3. Short Answer Type Questions. (Write the answers in 4-5 lines)

1. What is Image Editing?

2 What are masks?

3. How can a duplicate image be made?

4. How image is opened in GIMP 7?

5. Enter full names: gif, png, tif, jpg, ped, bmp


Part-C (Questions carrying 5 marks)

4, Long Answer Type Questions. (Write the answers in 10-15 lines)

1. Write down the names of any 4 tools of GIMP and explain the usage.

2 How to resize a picture in GIMP?

3. What are Layers in GIMP?

4. How to create images for a website in GIMP?

5. What are Image Properties in GIMP?

aby xctwatys


Take a picture and perform the Image Editing Operations explained in this chapter using any Image Editing Software

direct value and click on the Export Button.



Layers mean Stack of Slides. Layers are groups of sheets that look out over one another.The picture can consist of more than one layer and the number of Maximum Layers depends on the memory available in the computer. If the computer is powerful and has a lot of memory, there may be as many layers as we want in one picture. Hach Layer can

be edited separately from the rest of the Layers. Layers are set on top of each other and the bottom layer is the

background of the image. Layers can be easily set to be on the foreground or back of the other layers. Layers can

also be grouped as needed.


Layers are managed by the Layers Dialog Box. The Duplicate Layer Tool helps to create duplicate copies of Active layers.


8.4.1 Layer Properties Each layer has some important properties such as:

Name : Each layer has a name. It can be

customized by double click or right click.


(ii)Presence or absence of alpha channel : The alpha channel confirms how transparent the layer is to each pixel. White completely reflects opacity. Black fully demonstrates

transparency. Grey level represents partial transparencies.


(i) Layer Type : Layer type depends on the presence or absence of Image Type and alpha channels.RGB e RGBA e Gray

GrayA ° Indexed ° IndexedA


(iv) ‘Filter Menn : The filters in the Filter Menu only support few layer types. If we want to apply a filter but that filter is disabled, it means it cannot be selected then the type of the layer needs to be changed to use that filter.


(v) ‘Visibility : We can tum the layer's visibility on / off for the image to work properly.Changing this setting means only to toggle the setting by which the layer is hidden

and not deleted. Visibility settings can be changed by clicking on the eye icon in the Layers dialog box. If Shift + Click is used, visibility setting of all the layers except the Active Layer can be turned off.


(vi) Active Layer : The layer that is being worked on is called Active Layer. Usually the layer is activated by clicking on it. If there are multiple layers, it becomes difficult for us to know which element belongs to which layer. So if that part of the

picture is clicked by ALT + Mouse-Wheel-Button-Pressed, the corresponding layer in the Layers dialog box is automatically selected.


(vd) Opacity : With this setting we can set the value of the opacity. It can be set from 0 to 100 scales. 0 means that the layers below this layer will be fully visible. 100 means that this layer will not be transparent at all and the layers below it will not be visible at all,


8.4.2 Adding Layer

There are several ways to add a layer.

Right click on the opened image, and then click on the Layer Menu, We can add a new layer by choose any one of the following options that appear in the submenu:

New Layer

New from Visible

Duplicate Layer


We can also create a new Layer with paste option (CTRL + V or Edit Menu > Paste options) after using Cut/Copy a layer.


8.4.3 Deleting Layer

Right click on the layer to delete and click on "Delete Layer", Another way is to drag and drop the layer that we want to delete in the X icon in Layer Dialog Box (See Figure 8.20), the layer will be deleted.


8.4.4 Merge Layers

Merge layers means making a single layer from multiple layers. To do so use the CTRL+M shortcut key or click on the Image Menu > Merge Visible Layers option.Flatten Image option in Image Menu also merges all layers after removing Transparency.


Layer Merge Options:

Expanded as necessary : Sometimes

a layer may be larger than the size of

the picture so this option will increase the size of the image according to the larger layer.


Clipped to image : Sometimes a

layer may be larger than the size of

the picture so this option will cut the

larger layer according to the size of

the picture.


Clipped to bottom layer : This

option clips and trims the remaining

layers according to the size of the

Bottom Layer.


8.4.5 Scaling a Layer

Scaling means changing the size of the layer. So use the Layer Menu > Scale Layer option.Layer can be scaled by entering Width and Height values as needed.The Cubic (Quality > Interpolation) method is used to get the best results,



GIMP provides many tools for working

on images that can be used to perform

different tasks on images. If the mouse

pointer (arrow) is held over a tool's icon for 2 seconds, the tool name, what the tool is used for, and the shortcut key will be displayed in tooltip. Let's learn some tools:


Selection Tools : These tools are

used to select part of the active layer. Each selection tool has its own set of features.They can also be selected from the Tool Box.


Rectangle Select : This tool is used to select the part of the layer in the rectangular shape.


Ellipse Select : This tool is used to select the part of the layer in the elliptical shape.


Free Selection : This tool is also known as lasso tool. This tool allows us to select a drawing note with a free hand. It is used to select part of the image by drawing a picture with the help of a mouse pointer,


Fuzzy Select : This tool is also known as the Magic Wand tool. With this tool, the area is selected on the basis of “Similarity of color". Usually the selections made with this tool are continuous, i.e. connected parts.


By Color Select : This tool works similarly to the Fuzzy (Magic Wand) tool, but any part of the picture that matches the color similarity is selected.


Intelligent Scissors : This tool is used for automatic selection where there is a contrast of color which means the two parts are clearly separated. Clicking the mouse creates the Selection Nodes on the edges of the area we want to select.


Eraser Tool : This tool is used to

delete the area of the active layer. If the image has no alpha channel then this tool will erase the area with background color If the image

has an alpha channel then this tool will erase the area with transparent color and no color will be used.


Text Tool : This tool is used for

writing text on pictures. Use the Tools > Text command to access this tool. This tool can also be activated by clicking on the symbol A in the tool box.


When this tool is activated, a toolbar will appear which allows us to use Bold, Italic,Underline, Strikethrough options.


To change the font, delete the font in the box and start typing the name of the font we want to select, GIMP will start showing the installed fonts in the computer through the Dropdown list from which we can select the font.


Use CTRL + A to select all the text. The color box can be used to change the color of the text. By Right clicking on text, we can change the orientation of the text from given options.


(iv) Move Tool : This tool is used to

move the selections, i.e. textures, layers etc.To use this tool, use the Tools > TransformTools > Move command or click on the Move tool icon in the Tool Box.


If a layer is selected and we just want to move that selection, use CTRL + ALT + Mouse Drag. The selected area will be moved and the lower layer portion will appear instead,


(v) Align Tool : This tool is used to align layers with image objects. To access this tool use the Tools > Transform Tools > Align command or click on the Align tool icon in the Tool Box.For example, open a picture and make a duplicate layer from the Layer Box (right click of the

layer> Duplicate Layer) and move it slightly and left click on this duplicate layer. Now select

the Align tool. At the bottom left of the toolbox, we will see some alignment tool options, click on any one we need and we will get duplicate layer alignment.


(va) Scale Tool : This tool is used to scale layers & objects. Use Tools > Transform Tools >Scale command or SHIFT + S to use this tool.


Use File > Open As Layers, to open another image as layer and it will open a new image as layer. Activate the Scale tool, we will see a dialog box. We can scale the layer with the

mouse, to scale in Aspect Ratio hold down the Shift button.


(vii) Blur / Sharpen Tool : This tool is used to blur or sharpen any part or object of a picture. This tool uses a brush. This tool enhances effect when repeatedly used in one place.The CTRL key is used to toggle between Blur and Sharpen.


Use the Tools > Paint Tools > Blur / Sharpen command to select this tool.

If any part or object is looking too strong, use Blur to soften it. If we need to sharpen (increasing contrast) a part or object, use Sharpen option.